Thursday, February 14, 2008

what's a 24/7 worship?

I randomly read Jennifer's comment/post on Johnny's blog; and here is the comment and my answer to this question.

Jennifer comments on Johnny's blog:
Love your attitude on worship. God's been speaking to me a bit about worship too except he says, "Worship Me." It always takes me aback because the way my human mind interprets that would be arrogant and egocentric. Two traits that does not fit into God's characteristic so it has to be something else...but what? I ask him, "How?" but I don't recall him giving me exact instructions. Even now, I don't know how. Sure i can sing and twirl around but when he says, "do you worship me constantly" what do you do about that? You rejoice and say, "yes, this is what I have to do. Thank you for reminding me. Now I will have to be in 'worship mode' all the time, or try too." Well, you seem like you know what you're doing. So tell me how. I remotely remember Jack preaching about this but atlas, I still don't get it. What is worship mode 24/7? How do you do it, and how are you DOING it? I have a feeling the answer is going to be ridiculously simple and obvious but tell me anyways.-kneefur

The Bible never use the word, 24/7 worship; but instead, the Bible says "day and night worshipping before the Lord". What's day and night? What's worship anyway?

Some say day and night is the 24 hours in a day; the other say whenever you are awake. But in my opinion, it's not about the hours, it's about our attitude towards God. Does our attitude reflect a worshipful and humble heart? Does our attitude submit to Him? Attitude/heart is what God is looking for, not hours.
How do you worship 24/7 anyway? What should one do to worship 24/7? In my opinion, it's simple just as breathing air. Whenever I enjoy God, I am worshipping. We are created to worship God, yes; but angels can do a better job worshipping God, correct? Then why would God want people to worship Him? Always remember, it's not a format that God is looking for.

It's just that "enjoyment" that God wants; He enjoys you as much as He wants you to enjoy who you are and what you are doing every minute. Every minute you breath, it's like God saying " I want you to enjoy this air; for I am the air you breath". Stop trying to "perform" any format of worship when we can't enjoy every breath. Whenever you can enjoy being yourself and accepting yourself, you will understand what it means "in spirit and in truth".

Think about that Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus wants to build up her faith by helping her to accept who she is, not what she has done. Remember "in spirit and in truth".



jasypants said...

Thanks. I have a better understanding now of it. I've been beginning to enjoy the works of God more and more, so I'm constantly thinking about Him. But Jack, I'm getting worried. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I'll talk to you about it on Sunday. Just remind me or something.

jasypants said...

OOOH. thank you jack! of course not with her own eyes. hahah.. wouldn't she have used that one method with the dots on the paper?

johnny said...

It's good, boss.