Saturday, July 21, 2007

Fresh salad

Praise Jesus that I had an awesome salad for lunch! Thanks to my lovely wife, Annie, for making it. It's the best salad ever! It has all the ingredients I love, grapes, strawberries, avocado, lettuce, carrots and much more...most importantly there was no meat and light dressing. hmm... yumm...I love salad.

Book of Acts 10, where Peter first realized the work of God has entered to the Gentiles. Wow...what a turning point for the early church. God, would you wake up this generation so that they may know Your love, mercy and power is entering to them?

Intimacy is the main purpose of prayer.

It is through relationship that God entrusts us the secrets of His heart, that we might express them in prayer.


Anonymous said...

you had "an" awesome salad lah~
so many typos, babe.

but u know what! I love you!
and it's my pleasure to make you salad of the day!

eat eat eat :-)

+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...

awwwww, just saw it today when I went to your house for Halo.. it looks really tasty and good. I hope my wife can do that for me some time. jealous...

jasypants said...

LOL JACK! I can imagine you saying that today. xD OH OH! you have the same layout as me! YOU KNOW WHY?! CAUSE WE'RE COOL YO hahahaha see you later jack :] <3