Saturday, July 14, 2007

the Invaders 07.13.07

yo's the Invaders Night!
Guess what? We didn't do much other than helping out in organizing Impact annual garage sale. Oh God, why do people buy so many junks? Do we all need these stuff? Come on...that's a lot of stuff collected from different families! wow...let's save our environment by spending less money on junks! Well...that includes me. No more junks, Jack. Behave now.

After organizing the "crime", we still had sometime sharing with one another. The coolest thing about Impact people is that they are extremely spirited and energetic! But we need to focus and get things DONE! Quit talking and get things done! Thanks for your corporation.

As matter of fact, I am glad that Jennifer shared about her experience during IHOP; may God keep stirring up her heart for Christ.

This week is really crazy for me. Sleepless nights and days due to my ignorance and workload. God, I am tired of doing what I am doing...when is it gonna end? sigh...give me strength and help me to go through this month...

Pray for me.. :(

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