Tuesday, October 27, 2009

beautiful sunset

I had an interesting dream last night although I didn't sleep well. In my dream, we (Impact leaders) are sitting alongside this long table sharing about what we've received as our rewards in our life at this beautiful park.

Today interestingly I was in a park looking out at the sunset. It was beautiful... God used a variety of colors in the sky to show me how much He likes me.

I am not all that hungry of Him today after the special meetings over the weekend. I kindda know why I didn't have much spiritual appetite today. I need to rest more and early. I should stop writing now. I need to listen to the Holy Spirit. Don't sleep late, get up early to receive and be filled by the Holy Spirit.

Tonight auntie Sharon called me up and gave me some words she received on Monday morning. Just a right timing and right words. It was encouraging.

I repent. I need to rest more and early!

God will provide.


Annie said...

sending my best cheers your way...

i'm happy that i was there at the park too. it was very beautiful.

Ed said...

aww, the park.. that's so cute.

haha.. no more late nights for you two!

Good job Annie.. way to take charge!