I am entering in a new season. I am not sure what it is yet, but in my spirit I feel something is changing. It's like a seed that is about to spout open to receive another chapter of life.
What season is it, Lord?
Two days ago, Annie and I were ministered by this lady, Auntie Sharon. I hesitated to go. "Why should I go?" I asked myself that question. I tried to push this meeting away. I didn't feel like I needed it. Plus I had a prior engagement with some of my leaders. Well...I went anyway, I was late for an hour. Before I went to Auntie Sharon's house, Sarah, Ted, Tina and I were at Cheese Cake sharing about their cell group, Unplugged. I remembered that I was telling them something that also shook me as well. It was a revelation! It was simple yet profound to me. I am stirred up by this revelation!
Spiritual Parenting is the key! Project Elisha is a must!
My revelation is, there shouldn't be a separate "youth ministry". There should be only one ministry, one congregation - both adults and "non-adults". God never wants us to divide His people or categorize them. Adults should be the spiritual parents to the youth; youth should be spiritually parenting the other younger ones as well, sometimes youth can spiritually parent the older folks.
We shouldn't segregate the body of Christ. We need to support one another. God pours out His Spirit unto the young and the old; God's heart for us is to father the fatherless generations.
The blessing flow through Abraham, Isaac then to Jacob. The secret lies within the spiritual parenting - a blessing passes down from a generation to another generation.
When a youth pastor leaves, some young people walk away from God or church. Then the senior pastor hires another youth pastor to "take care" of the kids. Who are these youth pastors? Many of them graduate from seminaries or they need to intern at local churches. It might not be their calling to be youth pastors. Maybe it's a stepping stone for some youth pastors; when they find a better opportunity, they move on. It's hard then for the young people to build trust and a healthier relationship with any spiritual leaders. It is happening among many churches, and I am saying it with a broken heart. Young people become the innocent sacrifice... Then who is really crying out for them?
Indeed we are losing a generation, simply because of our ignorance in spiritual parenting. Whom are we to blame? The lack of youth pastors??? We should look into ourselves and ask: "Are we being the spiritual parents to others?" We shouldn't ask why we don't have more youth pastors; we should ask "whom should I invest my life into?"
I will do everything that I can to produces spiritual parents! That's my life time statement.
Lord, I want to see a generation of patriarch! That's who I am.
Only patriarchs produce patriarchs!
Dude. I totally agree with you. Are you going to share what Aunty Sharon shared with you?
Spiritual parenting is a higher calling that will require a lot from all of us...
now the music in my ear goes like this..."Your grace is enough for me..."
Amen, Jack! Let's start a blessing in this generation and let it pass on!
Even after hearing this revelation again for the fourth time, it's still mind blowing to me. It's a revolution that's starting to heat up. I believe many others will soon receive this same revelation. I understand perfectly what you mean by the last paragraph, because I've experienced it. The devastation from the abandonment was painful and heartbreaking, and I would not want any of the young people to go through that EVER!! Lord, we stand at the gap between generations and intercede till Your love overflows it! Amen!
this is so cool Jack~!!! I've had this thought in my head for the past couple weeks didn't quite know how to express it. the best words i can come up with was "prodigal MOM" like the prodigal son... but doesn't mkae that much sence... "spitural Parents" sounds much better~!!! thx for the confirmation~!!! totally what i'm looking forward doing :)
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