Thursday, December 31, 2009
I am a missionary
Monday, December 28, 2009
panic attack
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
December 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
this is church life...?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
long day
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
love always protects
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Leading people to Christ is fun!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
season of a turning leaf
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
picture of Your love
beautiful sunset
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
omg...stinky Johnny... this video clip got me all reminiscent of my youth! I had the same hair style back in high school!
可比 (Kobe) 是小飛俠!
under the light
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
God showed up in a South Pasadena home
Sunday, October 18, 2009
found faithful
Saturday, October 17, 2009
New Season - Anniversary
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Season - New Wine Skin
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
New Season - Lisa's baptism
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Season
Friday, October 9, 2009
gosh... I need to update my blog!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fighting a good fight - A.J. Lee
我和我先生Jack有一段美好的懷孕過程,其中充滿了許多的驚喜, 包括我經歷了無任何morning sickness等一般孕婦常見的症狀等。 直到七個多月的時候, 醫生檢查出寶寶可能基因上有著非遺傳性的突變造成胸腔及四肢骨骼發育不完全等問題。
當時我們簡直無法相信這樣的報告,因為各樣的症狀皆顯示我有個健康的母體,因此無庸置疑地寶寶也應該要是健康的。 我和Jack 來到上帝的面前向祂哭求。 因著我們經常為人禱告並看見上帝大能的醫治彰顯在這些弟兄姐妹的身上,我們深信在神沒有難成的事。 我們對醫生說,每個生命都是個奇蹟,是從上帝而來的禮物,只要寶寶有心跳,我們就會盡力地養育他。
我們接受 並相信上帝一切的安排與祂的計劃,因為祂的意念總是高過我們的意念。 我們更憑著信心為寶寶舉辦了Baby Shower,慶祝上帝給予我們的祝福, 並宣告將一切的榮耀歸給神。 自Baby Shower後 寶寶的胎動更為活躍,這也讓醫生鬆了一口氣。 預產期後過了兩週, 醫生囑咐我們摧生的時候到了,因此Jack 和我於4月24日早晨6時至醫院進行摧生,期間過程十分順利, 我們滿心期待著寶寶的出生,直到寶寶的心跳開始不穩定因而必須緊急決定剖腹生產。
寶寶於4月25日凌晨12時25分出生,我們聽到他那一聲半的哭聲後,因著氧氣輸送不足等種種因素,護士和醫生們隨即進行插管並將寶寶轉移至嬰兒加護病房。 醫生於一個小時後告知我們,寶寶應該撐不下去了。 當下的我們竟出奇的平靜,心中只想著能否抱著他並為他禱告送交至耶穌的懷裡。
寶寶於凌晨2時10分在我和Jack的擁抱下安息主懷了。 在這段生命的旅程中,我和Jack自始至終都充滿著喜樂與平安。 我們深信那 “賞賜的是耶和華,收取的也是耶和華,耶和華的名是應當稱頌的” (約伯記1:21) 。 我們看見上帝在這過程中是完全地掌權。 雖然醫生們有著無數的推測, 但上帝仍然保守了一個奇蹟的誕生。 這也使我們體會到, 無論生命的長短與否, 如何活出生命的價值和影響力其實更為重要。
我們看見寶寶在母腹中與大家的禱告聲中擺上最大的努力,不斷地成長,充滿了活動力。也因此我們得以經歷上帝的手在這當中奇妙的作為。 常常有些弟兄姐妹會因著生命中突如其來的挑戰和困難埋怨神。 因著不明白上帝為何不成就我們的禱告,尤其當我們為別人禱告且對方得著醫治的時候。 每當我們開始問上帝 “為什麼”,其實在不知不覺中 我們的內心已經開始對 神的主權提出了問號,並開始建築一種不諒解的心態,感到上帝似乎冒犯了我們。 這樣的想法和情緒往往成為上帝祝福祂兒女的攔阻,這也是為什麼許多的弟兄姐妹們錯失了神祝福的時機。
我和Jack希望在此勉勵大家與我們一同努力,願你我和主耶穌之間的交流通暢無阻, 每天都活在上帝的同在裡。 在耶穌基督的愛中充滿著盼望與喜樂,每天都經歷那超自然的神蹟奇事隨著來。
Annie & Jack
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My Redeemer Lives - Team Hoyt
How much can love be
This is the most touching and inspiring video ever...
One day, a son asks his dad "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?"
The father says "yes". And they run their first marathon together.
Another time, the son asks his dad again "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?
"The father says "yes son".
One day, the son asks his father "Daddy, would you run the Ironman with me?"
The Ironman is the most difficult triathlon ever (4 kms swimming, 180 kms bikin, 42 km running?)
And the dad says "yes".
The story looks simple until you watch the following clip. Just amazing, how much can love be.... ?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1
I just watched it on that I've found it here on Youtube. Youtube is da bomb!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Basileia tou Theou
I begin to love the sound of the word...
Your Kingdom comes, Lord Jesus!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Nine Year-Old Struck with the Anointing - Glory Falls on WRC
Look at this, Austen! God bless you with His love and mercy!
Monday, March 16, 2009
what's your name, mighty angel?
Ruth, my Korean grandmom's daughter, came to Impact this weekend. The moment she walked in, she felt the presence of God. This weekend, God showed Ruth what He showed her mother when Ruth's mom was praying for me.
1. Ruth had an open vision of what God showed her mother last year. In the vision, God told them what's happening to our ministry and Impact. She will write it down and send it to me. It's such an encouragement from her.
2. An angelic encounter - during Sunday worship, Ruth saw an angel standing on the platform. A huge and mighty angel with the wings wide open ready for action. The angel tells Ruth, God sends him here to Impact. As Johnny was saying, "God, release the angel to minister to us..." the angel told Ruth that he is here all this time and ready to go!
I really want to find out what type of angel God sends us. What's his rank? What's his name? What type of angel? War angel? Messenger angel? Comforting angel? Wow...God is so good!
Lord Jesus, would You revel Your heart and tell us who You are sending to Impact? So we will know what to do next? Amen.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Walking out...
1. diseases
2. sickness/illness
3. cancer
4. lukewarmness
5. apathy/coldness
6. poverty
7. sexual immorality
8. addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking)
9. addictions (games & cell phones)
10. demonic oppressions
God...I cannot allow these spirits to oppress my brothers and sisters! This is not right! the name of Jesus I cancel ALL your stealing from my family! Stop it! In Jesus name!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Another trip to Dr. Morrison's office today...
I am so proud of my dear wife, Annie, she refused to get another ultra sound next week, which means we only have to go to the doctor's office once a week instead of ten million times.
What good is it when the doctor only wants to find out what's "wrong" with Austen? The truth is, there is nothing wrong with Austen; he is just growing slower according to the schedule. But I believe that he will grow in his fullness that God creates him to be; if not, God is still good!
Randy Clark said to his daughter when she didn't get healing in her body, he said I don't know why God is not healing you now, but I can not deny the cross.
I simply can not deny His cross. I pray for more mercy from the Lord, as well as more mercy from the church; so that they will give mercy when we are in need.
Today it's fun to just listen to Randy Clark and Bill Johnson at the Healing School.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Healing School
Yesterday morning I walked to church, btw the weather was great after almost 2 weeks of spring rain. I love my prayer walk time to church; I always have a great time with Jesus while walking to church. I got this revelation that morning. We can only honor God with our sufferings/persecution while we are living on earth, because once we are in heaven there is no tears, no sufferings and no sorrow. There will not be any opportunity to honor God with hardship in heaven! We can only get rewards while we are on earth; there is no rewards given in heaven!
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)
I live to be faithful in honoring God during my tribulation.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired...
I am sick and tired...
I am sick and tired...
..... ><
Grow...Austen. Daddy and Mommy will always love you.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
School of Disciples - Day 3
We had a breakthrough today around noon. These past 3 days, only me and Evan gathered for SOD everyday from 10am; sometimes Momo came in late to join us.
First thing we do is go into the Soaking Room and pray for 30 mins before the lectures; we then watch a DVD and discuss it afterwards. Then it's lunch time, my lovely wife brings yummy food to us. Wow...that's something to look forward to.
Today is a bit different.
At the end of the DVD lecture, Evan's head was down; I ask him if he is ok. He then says, I feel like crying because I am going to fail... I didn't understand what he means, first thing that came to me was - let's go to the Soaking Room and pray!
We went in and prayed for 15 mins then we stopped. (Lovely wife brought us lunch, so we stopped) I didn't ask Evan much but I know that the Holy Spirit was doing something. Holy Spirit is the Counselor, He will surely guide Evan. I assigned him to clean up the floor and fix things at church the entire afternoon; without any complain he finished everything I asked him to do. Good thing that we are learning about "Desert Mentality" by Joyce Meyer in our class; first lesson is DO NOT COMPLAIN in times of hardship.
Around 4 pm, I took Evan out to hang out with some high school kids in Arcadia. Before we went out, I told him to observe me and to learn it from me; I am not an expert, but I am willing to be used by God to reach out to the others. Like Apostle Paul says, imitate me as I imitate Christ.
We came back around 6 pm, Evan finally shared with me about what happened earlier. He felt like crying because he knew that his own plan is going to fail. Why? Because now he is going to surrender to God and accept whatever God's plan for him; it's no longer Evan's will be done, but God's will be done in his life.
Evan decides to give up and let go of his plan, and allow God to lead him in this "living by faith" lifestyle. By the way, Evan accepted Jesus in June 2007 after coming out of depression and suicide.
I see a breakthrough in Evan's life today. It's only day 3. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen in day 30.
Pray for Impact SOD.
Monday, February 2, 2009
School of Disciples
I am not looking for quantity, I am looking for quality. God can use a few to defeat many. I want to see the possibility of overcoming the enemy with a small amount of radical believers. God is good and He is able.
Two healings occurred and one confirmation from a word of knowledge after the lecture, isn't that just exciting? One headache got healed - though it's not a huge issue, but God showed up anyway! One person's leg grew out, Peter had uneven legs since he was 7. After a car accident, he couldn't walk like a normal person because one leg is shorter than the other; he had to walk on the tip of this right foot. After prayer, he can walk like a normal person! Praise Jesus!
Get ready, let's take the anointing to our communities! Release the Radicals.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
This is Justin
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lamaze Class
I felt the spirit of joy all over me today although I didn't get to sleep much last night. I feel all your prayers, which have been very effective to Annie and I. I woke up today and decided not to let the devil rob my joy and peace away from me. That's not right to allow the devil stealing my joy, peace and happiness in my (our) life! This has to stop! I am putting on the hat of joy and the garment of praise from now on! This is God's fashion for me, Annie and Austen!
Went to Lamaze class tonight, we watched a clip about the Cesarean Section (C-section). Then I whispered to Annie, I told her that no matter what happens to Austen, we will still have each other. Austen is a only gift from the Lord, and we are called to parent him and walk with him in life. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, the name of the Lord shall be praised! No hard feeling toward each other or toward God.
All the sudden, I got a call from Ruth (my Korean mother's daughter) from Sacramento. My spiritual mother wanted to call me but she can't speak any English. Korean spiritual mom prayed with Ruth yesterday and here is what Ruth told me tonight.
My spiritual mom says, in my open vision I see the child is the work of God. He is called to be great, mighty in the Lord. (hmm...she doesn't know what we name the boy yet as I am writing it) God wants you to stand firm and you ought to pray for your son with the healing anointing God gives you. This is a breakthrough for you and your ministry. This is God's test for you; He is going to take you to the next level when you pass it. The whole church will receive the breakthrough in healing and miracles as you receive it. More healing will happen at your church. You and your church will see God's glory. Don't think too little of yourself. Stand firm. I am praying for you and your son everyday. Shout Hallelujah, you will overcome.
I think that's all she said to me tonight. I told Ruth about the meaning of the name Austen Javelin Lee, so that she can tell my Korean mother. He is called the great spear of Yahshua (Jesus). I was full of joy when Ruth prayed for me; on the other side of the line, Ruth was feeling a strong presence of the Lord, she said.
I looked up the sky...there were many stars, I saw a really bright one; then I called myself the father of nations.
I decide to take back my joy, peace and happiness from the devil. You, the devil, has no right to mess with us because Austen, Annie and myself belong to Jesus!
I miss my Korean spiritual mother.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Spirit of the Lord
Yes...the Spirit of God is hovering over Austen Javelin Lee. God's power and love incubate over Austen now. Amen.
For the past few days I wept just like Mary and Martha; when their brother Lazarus died, they came to Jesus thinking that Jesus "could have" come earlier and done something before their brother's death. Annie and I have hugged each other and wept when we pray. I have come to realize that God calls me an overcomer for a reason. God calls me an overcomer to lift up His name! He puts me through fire and water to toughen me up for greater challenges, I believe.
More I think about all these prophetic words from different people, more I become to appreciate what God is doing in my life. From the world's point of view, my life kindda sucks; but from God's point of view, I am great. So will be Austen (and his brothers and sisters).
"As for me and my family will serve the Lord." I kept praying over this when I was worshiping this past Sunday. Annie, myself and our children will serve God no matter what happens in our life. I was kneeling, weeping and praying before the Lord, and all the sudden I felt this warm electricity and numbness going through my hands and arms. It just got stronger and thicker; something I never felt before, eventually my arms, hands and fingers froze and twisted. I couldn't move my arms, hands or fingers at all; more I prayed "as for me and my family will serve the Lord", more electricity came upon my hands. I knew that God was ministering to me, maybe it was angels or maybe it was Jesus Himself. God was holding my hands in such a trial like this. He loves me so much.
"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You." (Job 42:5)
I not only wanna know about You, I want to know You.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Chinese New Year
Now I need prayer more than ever. This is probably the weakest moment in my life. God is always bigger than Satan's afflictions.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New Wineskin
I am a world class leader! hahaha... I see that in you, Jack.
- Culture Revolutionist - To Overcome and To Reform
- Healing Revivalist - To Activate and To Empower
- Radical Dreamer - To Challenge and To Influence
New wine in a new wineskin.