Friday, February 6, 2009

School of Disciples - Day 3

Day 3 - School of Disciples

We had a breakthrough today around noon. These past 3 days, only me and Evan gathered for SOD everyday from 10am; sometimes Momo came in late to join us.
First thing we do is go into the Soaking Room and pray for 30 mins before the lectures; we then watch a DVD and discuss it afterwards. Then it's lunch time, my lovely wife brings yummy food to us. Wow...that's something to look forward to.

Today is a bit different.

At the end of the DVD lecture, Evan's head was down; I ask him if he is ok. He then says, I feel like crying because I am going to fail... I didn't understand what he means, first thing that came to me was - let's go to the Soaking Room and pray!
We went in and prayed for 15 mins then we stopped. (Lovely wife brought us lunch, so we stopped) I didn't ask Evan much but I know that the Holy Spirit was doing something. Holy Spirit is the Counselor, He will surely guide Evan. I assigned him to clean up the floor and fix things at church the entire afternoon; without any complain he finished everything I asked him to do. Good thing that we are learning about "Desert Mentality" by Joyce Meyer in our class; first lesson is DO NOT COMPLAIN in times of hardship.
Around 4 pm, I took Evan out to hang out with some high school kids in Arcadia. Before we went out, I told him to observe me and to learn it from me; I am not an expert, but I am willing to be used by God to reach out to the others. Like Apostle Paul says, imitate me as I imitate Christ.

We came back around 6 pm, Evan finally shared with me about what happened earlier. He felt like crying because he knew that his own plan is going to fail. Why? Because now he is going to surrender to God and accept whatever God's plan for him; it's no longer Evan's will be done, but God's will be done in his life.
Evan decides to give up and let go of his plan, and allow God to lead him in this "living by faith" lifestyle. By the way, Evan accepted Jesus in June 2007 after coming out of depression and suicide.

I see a breakthrough in Evan's life today. It's only day 3. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen in day 30.

Pray for Impact SOD.


Anonymous said...

Lord, we speak divine creativitiy, heavenly impartation and wisdom upon those who attend SOD. Thank you for your mercy & grace. Your goodness is always enough for us. We love u, Jesus. Amen.

It's scary yet exilerating the moment we realize our plans are not going to work. It scares the bananas out of us because we're now forced to live outside of our comfort zone. At the same time, our spirits become freedom-bound and that just feels so so good.
funky, eh? haha^^

Heather Taguchi said...

Yeah to Annie's yummy food!!

And to Evan...WOOHOO!!! Go God! Wow, ONE is all God needs. For all He is going to do through this SOD...look out! God is being glorified each day that you all are faithful to what He's called you to do.

I can't wait for a wonderful group of you guys to come over here to Taiwan this summer (I'm believing for it!). We have some amazing things for them to take part in!