Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New YOU!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Cor 5:17)
I am a NEW CREATION everyday in 2009!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Take off your shoes, Joshua.
The second person in the Bible God asks to take off his shoes is Joshua. Why?
- God wants to remind Joshua of His covenant.
- God wants to remove Joshua's self-insignificance.
- God wants to recommission Joshua to His battle.
Remember Exodus Ch. 3 when Moses encounters this almighty God, I AM, who shows up in burning bushes? At that moment, God tells Moses to take off his shoes because it is the holy ground. God is proclaiming His total sovereignty at that moment as Moses steps closer to the burning bushes. In the Book of Joshua Ch. 5, God tells Joshua to take off his shoes when he faces this general of the army of the Lord. Before Moses passed away, Joshua, the general of Israel, saw what his master Moses could do with the staff in his hand.
To Joshua and everyone else (even now), Moses was the symbol of Signs and Wonder. There is no comparison to what Moses could do in the Old Testament. It's hard for Joshua to live up to that standard of Moses; however God never wanted Joshua to compare himself to his master, Moses.
Book of Joshua Ch. 1, God encourages Joshua again and again; I totally believe that Joshua is afraid, otherwise God wouldn't remind him that many times. God reminds Joshua that whatever He did to Moses He will do the same to Joshua; God makes sure that Joshua receives the same favor as Moses. First, take off your shoes; that's what God says to Moses when he encounters Him. God gives Joshua the same grace as He tells Joshua to take off his shoes - Joshua, you has seen Me today, says God. It's God's individual covenant with Joshua.
Why is Joshua so afraid? Feeling of self-insignificance and the spirit of comparison. In God's eyes, you are as important as King David, Moses and Elijah, etc. Why feeling self insignificant? The only difference is do we find the grace in His eyes? Do we truly know Him?
Genesis 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."
In those evil days before the flood, the only person that stood out in that generation was Noah. Why? Was he a better person? Not really. What about Abraham? Was he a holy guy? Not really. What about King David? He was not so much better than Saul...But why did these people stand out in those days?
Because they found something - grace. They found out that God is full of grace and mercy. God's eyes are full of grace! Do you find that? When you do, you will stand out in your generation.
God removed Joshua's self-insignificance, or should I say, Joshua finds grace in the eyes of the Lord. Thus Joshua no longer looks down on his own image or ability but through God's eye, he receives strength and courage.
Wow...more I read the Book of Joshua, more I become confident of what God is doing in my life. I choose to stand firm. I choose to be happy. I choose God's promises over so called reality.
Monday, December 22, 2008
being thankful
1. Thank you all, Impact, for that sweet computer you give me. I am still in shock! I don't know how to react to it still. I only thought that church and other ppl need computers, and God is good; He gives me a new computer through you guys. I know my computer should be put in the museum or something, but I live with it anyway. Thank you for your blessing. It means so much to me. I know you care.
2. Project Elisha - I know it helps us to grow spi, and I am thankful that some ppl are being blessed by it. It will totally change you life when you become a spiritual parent.
3. Sue got healed - a lady friend of Tina's mother got cancer a while ago. Some of us prayed for her at her house, Tina called last night telling us that the Doctors can't find any cancer anymore. Wow...God is good.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
did you feel that, Jack?
This week I've finally felt our child kicking in Annie's belly. OMG! First time I put my hand over Annie's belly and waited for a good 10 sec; the child kicked back at my hand with so much strength. I laughed so hard! This is the joy of being a father. Although I don't see the baby yet, I know the child is there being nurturing and actively kicking inside of mommy's womb. God, this is amazing!
Went to Annie's company party, a guy whose wife is almost due says to me, "just wait until you put your face over the belly when the baby kicks, that's totally called the joy of father." I believe so. We talked about the fatherhood throughout the conversation. Others warn us about the mess the child can bring...well, I know it will be messy, but I still want to choose over the happiness of being a dad.
I can feel my child kicking!
Father God, I want to make You laugh too. I know You always do.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
One lousy day?
I walked to church today again; I began to sing in spirit and started to make up lyrics, it has been a while since last time I sang something cute and funny yet "spiritual"...haha...
I like walking to church now.
After the Prophetic Art class, Annie and I went to Paul's house for another prayer meeting. Some pastor's wife prayed for me, it was encouraging and uplifting; things she prayed for once again reminded me of God's promises during these past 3 years. Just another confirmations of what God wants to do in my life. Fun stuff.
Suck at time management today. Totally wasted my day cuz of my stupidity in life/time/goal management. Sorry, I killed you, time... :(
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
spiritually circumcised
Joshua 5 - After the crossing of the Jordan, God told Joshua to circumcise the nation of Israel. A whole nation needs to be clean and set apart before the Lord in a time of war! In front of the enemy, God wants us to consecrate ourselves and enjoy the feast. After the circumcision, the Israelites had their first Passover since the departure from Egypt. It was a time of celebration of God's deliverance and a time of thanksgiving. God prepares a banquet before our enemy!
God wants our spiritual foreskin, our hindrance, our spiritual fat!
In a time of crisis and hardship, God wants to remove our pride, self-indulgence, self-pity and shame. These are the blockages that hinder us from knowing His will. God is good ALL the time even when we don't understand it. It's the season of rebuilding His image in us, starting from the removal of our spiritual foreskin (Joshua 5).
Lord, keep me, save me and make me stronger in a time of crisis. Amen.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
How long?
Strengthen me and pray for me, Lord, so that I can endure it in a time of hardship.
As I remember Your word, it's a dishonor to Your name when I become poor and steal.
"Two things I request of You (Deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies far from me; Give me neither poverty nor riches--Feed me with the food allotted to me; Lest I be full and deny You, And say, "Who is the LORD?" Or lest I be poor and steal, And profane the name of my God." (Proverbs 30:7-9)
Father, show me a way and I will follow. With all I am, I worship You. With all I have, I surrender all. Don't let the enemy triumph over me, but prepare a banquet before my enemy as I gladly receive the feast You have for me.
Life is often lived forward, but understood backward.
I am not asking to understand it all, but I need You to strengthen me in a time of crisis.
Bless You, Jesus.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Nov. 2008 in Taiwan
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pre-Election weekend
from Jasmine's blog not wasteful
Sat. Nov. 1st - the CALL
I started weeping non-stop right after I found a seat, which was around 9:50 am. I wept so hard, my eyes got tired before 11 am. Whenever people on the stage said, God bless America, I wept. God was there; this is His hour. Lord, have mercy!
Sun. Nov. 2nd - Rally in LA
As we arrived LA city hall, I thought to myself that we were not really needed at the rally. When Annie called and said that there were some "NO on Prop. 8" supports at the voting booth. That got me thinking about going to the "front line" where the action should be.
At the city hall, we are very much "protected"; if we want more "impact" we should go over to the voting booth and face the protesters, right? It was FUN when people yelled at us and called us names, etc. It's totally a "嗆聲" (confrontation) between both sides although we did it with love and patience. Some people accused us and criticized of the godly values we believe in, but I know that God is happy that we were there!
Impact people, I am so proud of you! You are so radical! You are the Gideon army that fears nothing but God! You guys rock!
For those people who want to know more about the importance and details of Propl 8, please go to Jaeson Ma's blog.
God bless America.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
my loss
Heartache...Mom, be strong.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A story from Mike Kingsley
Mike stood firm with boldness in front of his father and the principle of school; he didn't know where that boldness came from, he only knew that he can not compromise of what God had done among the young people. His father didn't speak with him for weeks and he also got kicked out of school for few weeks; because of his boldness without compromise, God intervened.
During a major conference where the churches leaders (Including Mike's father) in Uganda invited an European Evangelist/Prophet to preach, that time Mike was desperately needing a confirmation from God. In the middle of sermon, this preacher asks if someone here named Mike Kingsley; without knowing who Mike is, the preacher asks again for the second time in front of ten and thousands of people. The third time, Mike stood up and walked towards the preacher from the very back of the crowd. The preacher then prophesied over Mike and promoted him in front of Mike's father and people of their city; he then asked Mike to sit at his chair on the stage, which was right next to Mike's father. After that, Mike's father realized that God is with his son; their relationship was restored, and Mike was then welcome back to school.
Some of those 400 students became evangelists and pastors in different nations; because of persecution of fire, God can shape these students and test each one of them. What about you?
God honors us when we obey Him!
Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
I tossed and turned in my bed for almost a hour "thinking" or "worrying" about lots of thing; guess that would really help better any condition (or not!). Yes, I shouldn't focus on the condition, but the solution which is Jesus Himself; yes, I simply want to enjoy my God moment without worrying anything else.
Yesterday, few of us (the older adults) were talking about the difficulties of being a pastor. We all agree that once you become a pastor or a pastor's wife, you will know how challenging it is to be one; no one would ever understand the role until he/she becomes one.
Servants of God are the weepers. But I also need my cells/body/emotion/spirit to rejoice and be happy too. Annie said that I think too much, but I have to think ahead. Sometimes I wonder if I would wake up one morning and find out that my hair turn grey, that's be awful. I still couldn't find a grey hair on my head...hmm...or maybe I am losing them...
Anyway, I need to rest now...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Chasing heaven
Being normal>? or just waste my life away in God?<
What's it that you are chasing?
Monday, September 22, 2008
so we are moving out of the Learning Center
Impact is moving into a new place...I was totally looking towards it; but now I lost the excitement of moving to the new place somehow. I think I am going through some kind of phrase where I simply need to let go and relax. What is my life all about? Expanding His kingdom? Building radical men and women of God? I get disappointed by all these lately... but I'll still go for it. Be persistent to the end.
From the Learning Center to the Wu shu star, be persistent in our training...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
One of my favorite shows!!!
I have been watching Ninja Warrior whenever I get a chance. This is a cool show because God speaks to me through this. We all face different obstacles in life; all we need to do is to fight back, no matter how challenging the obstacle is.
Although I constantly fail, just like these relentless fighters, I will still come back up. An old saying - Success is sweet, but the secret ingredient is sweat.
My God does the impossible; so will I.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
boy or girl? looks like mommy or daddy...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Call of Duty...2008
check out Joy B's blog good God :) or click
for more testimonies.
I got my ear pierced...check out my wife's blog [ Introducing... The Hottie of the Year ] or for more pictures...xixi.. I got my ear pierced for a great reason that is I am going to be a dad, and the earring is a symbol of my zeal to my child.
God heals. God hears. God provides. Jesus rocks!
Call of Duty weekend with Impact was a bomb!
This is the day that the Lord has made...!

Saturday, September 6, 2008
5 H's @ Impact
1. Happy
2. Hopeful
3. Holy
4. All of above
hmm...I like.
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Thursday
Had lunch with my dear wife; on the way to Bakersfield, Sammy and I went down to Starbucks to get some coffee. I saw this Starbucks worker putting ice on her face, I asked her what happened; she told us that she just got her wisdom tooth extracted and her face is swollen. We offered prayer to her after sharing a testimony with her and her co-worker at the counter. Just stretched out my hand on the other side of the counter and prayed. Simply prayed for her and believe that God has healed her by now.
Got tired after coming back from Bakersfield; visited V's family...God, would You capture V's heart now?
Finally got home around 11:30pm...tired but happy.
Jesus, You rock...!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Las Vegas Mission Trip 2008
9 of us, me/Annie/Alice/Jennifer/Shinny/Joy/Aaron/Eric/Andy headed Vegas on Thursday afternoon, we were all hoping to arrive early for the Vegas buffet...hmm...maybe just me.
We arrived and enjoyed the buffet at Paris, which by the way wasn't that great; totally destroyed my expectation. I wanted sushi. :(
Friday morning, 9 of us were worshipping around 9:30 am; Aaron was on the djembe (hand drum) and Andy was playing guitar, totally freestyle. We worshipped for over 1 hour until some young friends from Vegas BOL walked in.
In the afternoon, the Holy Spirit totally changed our schedule, we ended up doing Harp & Bowl for hours. I think our Vegas friends got hooked on that. Taste and see that the Lord is good, eh?
We sang for almost 2 hours of Harp & Bowl with Annie/Aaron/Andy (triple A) and sort of showed them what to do; it's their first time, some were shy but still tried. Good job, Vegas revivalists!
In the evening, more Harp & Bowl style worship (again only guitar and handdrum); by this time, they felt the anointing already (one girl ran out started crying without knowing why). We worshipped a bit more after Aaron shared his testimony; I was going to wrap it up, but that girl who was crying earlier then said "God wants us to go City Invasion at Fashion Show Mall." I was very encouraged by her; so I obeyed. It was around 9:30 pm, we all went to Fashion Show Mall and shouted "Jesus is my best friend!" then we divided into small groups and city invading. First lady whom we talked to wanted us to pray for her co-worker's daughter who is having breast cancer; as we were praying, God gave us the word of knowledge that this lady is suffering from backpain. I asked her if she has any back problem/paiin, she said yes; we prayed for her back and tested out healing. She felt better but refused for more prayer after the second try. God is good and loves her so much. Other groups have cool testimonies too.
So second day, for a hour we sang without any instruments and lyrics cuz we are the instruments and lyrics of God. Just let God play the strings of our hearts!
Alice shared that morning; she did a fantastic job demonstrating the heavenly Father's love.
After lunch, we did Harp & Bowl for another hour with the Triple A team. Eric/Joy/Jennifer taught City Invasion (Healing and Treasure Hunt) - Good job, guys! Very well received!
So we all went out around 4 pm and came back at 5:30 pm. Here are some of the crazy stories.
1. Jennifer and her teammates (forgot who they were...sorry)
They prayed for a lady in a supermarket and she walked out of her wheelchair. That totally shocked her and her husband. They found their treasures too!
2. Andy, Julia of Vegas and oops...forgot the names...
Julia spotted a limping lady trying to walk to the bus stop; she went up and prayed for her, the lady got better then Andy walked over to her and offered more prayers. At the end, she started running and dancing and jumping to the street corner and back; they were all shouting "Hallelujah" at the bus stop under 110 degree weather in Vegas. The lady was going to go to a prayer meeting called "dunamis" hoping to get healed but she was extremely late for the meeting. Little did she know, the "dunamis" came to her at the bus stop. Isn't God good or what?
3. Joy and Sharene
Sharene prayed for a lady at WalMart; the lady was so touched so both the lady and Sharene were crying at WalMart. Isn't that fun?
4. Annie and her teammates found the treasure (treasure means vision/pic or word of knowledge they receive prior to the city invasion) but the treasure didn't want her to pray for him. There are many more testimonies but I can't remember all of them now...>.<
5. In the evening worship, I felt God's presence, angelic visitation/dancing, fire, electricity, etc. Many felt the same things. One young man from Vegas, David felt his spirit left his body and he was taken to heaven and saw angels and the heaven. Isn't that cool? God is soooo good.
6. A word of knowledge (healing miracle for an immediate family member) from the first night got confirmed; God will surely heal Mrs. Chen!
7. Vegas youth shared in front of the adult congregation, some adults cried as the young ppl cried. Young ppl start calling themselves "Revivalists", and they are going out praying for ppl next week. Awesome!!!
8. Me and Aaron, we just had fun praying for ppl and got prophesied over by a lady, Myra, in a electric scooter at WalMart. To give is to receive...upside down Kingdom yo...!
That's what I remember now... God is good all the time! So basically we just went to Vegas to celebrate what God is doing; it's ALL about Jesus!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
holy tornado
I was practicing my "holy smack" and "holy increase" when I first got to Prayer Mountain. Basically "holy smack" is for fighting the enemy and "holy increase" is for our personal or family spiritual growth. I prayed for Annie's to receive God's "holy increase"...haha...God is good!
So...Sammy and I slept in the chapel because we really wanted to pray whole night. I was sleeping on a pew but some stupid bugs came and visited me; I was half asleep and half awake, I tried to pray but I felt cold. I stood up and looked around, found that Sammy was missing but his sleeping bag was still there laying at the altar. I immediately got into the sleeping bag when I couldn't find him in the chapel. oh wo...God is good.
I tried to pray more, but I was out. I think it was almost 3 am or something. I then had a dream; it's so real and intense.
In the dream, we, Impact, are all sitting in airplane cockpit type of chair; but we are in a tall building (don't' know how tall it is, but tall). All the sudden, there is a tornado hitting all the buildings around us; the power of tornado is tremendously destructive, it wipes out everything it touches. Then the tornado hits our building and I see the wall is torn down and all of us are being blown out as we still sit on the chairs. Some of Impact people got sucked into this emptiness/vacuum of the tornado; some still sit in the chair with their seat belts on. Finally we land safely, but I begin to run as the tornado is chasing me; I then see a tall oak tree, I grab so tight I don't want to let go. Physically I could feel the wind and felt that I was being lifted up as I was laying in the chapel. The tornado is swirling around me and tends to suck me into the emptiness/vacuum; I then shout out "In Jesus' name, I command you to stop." for many times. I don't want to let go nor being sucked into the tornado. I keep on commanding the tornado to stop in Jesus' name. Suddenly the tornado becomes a person, the son of man, and He says "I am Jesus. Because of your dedication and persistence or something, I am going to make a new covenant with you." Then He disappears. In my dream, I begin to look around; everything is destroyed, not much of it is left and I find some gemstones and gold right by the oak tree. Annie shows up and collect the gemstones with me. Then I woke up.
It was so real...I kept on saying "OMG! OMG!..." when I opened my eyes. wow...what an experience. I thought of Misty Edwards' dream too; they are somewhat similar.
God is good.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
thank you...
Got another check from other person via mail. I was surprised about the amount on the check. It's total enough to pay off some of my debts!
Thank you, dear prayer partner for standing along side with us.
Thank You, Jesus.
I receive.
Monday, August 11, 2008
money is on the way...
First check came when I was still in the prayer mountain...isn't God great or what?!
Annie and I got a check from someone who doesn't even know us that well; I didn't tell her about what I am going through recently. It is the God of "What is it?" (Manna means "what is it?")
I receive. And more is coming...
He is always faithful.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I am home.
Fasting not so much of a spiritual ritual to me. I fast not because I am bargaining with God or asking Him to give me more blessing. It's surrendering myself, my heart, my will, my soul and my body to Him. It's more of setting my time apart just seeking His face and His presence.
During this trip, on Wednesday I was very irritated by a bank that kept on calling me because of my late payment; I need His extra grace to pay off my debts, I don't mean to pay late I am just not home now. My friend at Mattel called me and gave me a job lead; he wants me to go try out this position at Mattel again; I said, Ok, I will as soon as I get back home. In my heart, I already made up my mind to go back to the marketplace...perhaps it's time to face the "reality", eh? Sigh... I cried in my heart... Is that it God? Is that ALL you can do, Jesus??
Wednesday night, I got a call from Ruth, the daughter of my Korean spiritual mother; she told me that my Korean mom who prays for me everyday had a vision about me earlier. In the vision, God told my Korean mom to tell me not to be afraid and timid.
She said, "Don't be afraid. Stay in this path now, don't go left or right. God is in you midst. Don't' go back to the marketplace. Money is on the way. You are going to train many missionaries and disciples for nations. Disciple them, they are going to be a great army for Jesus. Don't be afraid." I had tears rolling in my eyes when I heard it; God is soooo good. He always comes in the best timing. His name is Jehoval Punctual. He is a faithful God!
That answered three things, one - we are on the right path, two - don't go back to the marketplace and money is on the way, three - School of Disciples is a must. Amen!
I receive. By faith.
Monday, August 4, 2008
School of _________!
Guess what? It was a God's timing. I was resting at church when pastor Andrew Tsai called; we chatted for 20 minutes or so, then he told me that pastor Ah-Ben is in OC helping NLCCOC. I told pastor Andrew Tsai that Ah-Ben never returned my emails so maybe he doesn't like me or what! j/k... Anyways, I still got Ah-Ben's number and decided to call him right away. Ah-Ben picked up and told me that he is in Temple City. I got excited and asked him to have a cup of coffee with us; so me, Annie, Aaron, Ah-Ben and pastor Marc went to the Starbucks near Impact.
I's God's timing because I've been thinking about starting a School of Disciples but have no ideas where to begin with. As we all know, Ah-Ben is a coach and a mentor in ministry and mission; I asked him to help us. There I realized that it was a "wrong" move; cuz he really challenges me and I did set a "holy" trap for myself and Impact. It's God's divine moment; God totally set me up for it. His name is Jehovah "Trickster", and I love Him so much. Haha...
So after a short conversation with Ah-Ben, I know that I can't escape what God wants Impact to do; I kept making a fool of myself if I tried to come out with more lame excuses before Ah-Ben.
Pastor Ah-Ben promises to come and help Impact to set up our own School of Disciples; he even wants to call it D.D.D. (Dangerous Deadly Disciples). Ah-Ben's ppl are going to restricted areas (if you know what I mean) next year; places that may get them killed and locked up. Am I ready to be coached by this "maniac" Jesus Freak? oh ya...bring it on, Ah-Ben.
So...Impact is going to start her very first School of Disciples; it's a ONE year FULL time program, simply it means we drop school/work for one full year just to experience God's faithfulness and serve Him. It's like taking a year off to join Army; so instead of going to Army in the US or Taiwan or China, Korea, etc, we take a year off to join Jesus' Army. We are starting in Oct, 2008.
Do you DARE to take a year off to see what God can do through you?
Be a Jesus Freak!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Planning for a breakthrough
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
the hem of His garment conference
Long drive but enjoyable...first day is good, intensive and mind stirring!
Keep being hungry!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
no title
To think is to speak; to speak is to do. - Jack
is that how you would translate it?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
620 Abbot - Memory part 1

last night at 620 Abbot

Saturday, July 12, 2008
People Need The Lord
my spiritual dose for this week...
everytime i hear this song, God's love touches me deeply. His love once again encourages my weary heart and hands. More than 18 years ago i heard this song for the first time, i cried for the lost souls. God, use me and send me.
Yes, people need the Lord.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Rose Hills
After that, we went to Rose Hills, first time I've ever been to Rose Hills. Looking at the different tombstones, some died young, some died old, some were highly educated, some were loved.
I felt like it doesn't matter who you are or what you are, this is where you will end up one day. Maybe not Rose Hills, but 6 feet under.
Got Jesus? makes sense.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
dead hard drive...ASK and RECEIVE
I need a new and better computer, God! I don't know how much longer this computer will stay alive, but I desperately need to some cash to buy one. Lord, I receive a new computer by faith! Amen!
Here is a summary of this past Sunday's sermon. I receive it too!
Ask and Receive (Matthew 7:7-12)
1. Keep on Asking, Seeking, Knocking
It’s never a onetime deal when you ask, seek and knock. God is looking for those who are consistently seeking and asking. In the original text, it is a present tense; meaning never giving up on chasing after God.
2. Begin to receive, not to be deceived.
When we ask, we must expect to receive! God is not a cheap God! It’s a chain reaction; he who knocks the door will be opened, he who asks receives, he who seeks finds.
We’re often deceived by the enemy. One of the enemy’s tricks is to use the perception, which isn’t always reality.
"The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too" (1 Kings 19:14).
Perception is not always reality. Elijah was in a crisis. Jezebel wanted to kill him. The nation was falling to Baal worship. From his vantage point - it was all over. He was the only prophet remaining in all the land who had not bent his knee to the idol of Baal. He wanted to die.
Then, the Lord sent His angel to correct Elijah's perception: "Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel - all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him" (1 Kings 19:18). There were seven thousand Elijah knew nothing about! Elijah's perception was not reality.
Whenever things are going poorly, there is a temptation to believe God is not working in the situation. We may even believe our life is over. Everything from our vantage point is dark. We see no future. However, even in these times, God's plan is being orchestrated behind the scenes. He is accomplishing His purposes. But we need a fresh perspective on our situation.
Do you need a reality check on your situation? Ask God to show you the truth. It may be very different than your perception.
3. Develop a right attitude of receiving
“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” (James 4:3)
When you pray,
The timing is wrong and the attitude is inappropriate, God says “NO.”
The timing is wrong and the attitude is appropriate, God says “HOLD.”
The timing is right and the attitude is inappropriate, God says “GROW.”
The timing is right and the attitude is appropriate, God says “GO.”
4. Prepare to receive
In the movie, Facing the giants, the Reverend felt led by God to tell this football coach a story. There are two farmers who needed rain desperately. Both prayed for it, but only one went out to prepare to receive it. Who do you think trusted god to bring the rain? - The one who prepared for it of course. Which side are you on? God will bring the rain when he is ready, you got to prepare your field to receive it."
2 Chronicles 7:14-15If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
4 am
Some heard my 4 am testimony on Sunday, here I am gonna repeat it again.
Remember my Korean grandma who actually told me to wake up at 4 am to pray; although I didn't think it was necessary cuz we "live" in this luxurious place called America. Now I've realized that is exactly why we need to wake up at 4 am to pray for the nation, because we live in America.
So during the Bread of Life conference in San Jose, I chatted with pastor Andrew Tsai for a bit; at the end he told me that he wakes up at 4 am to pray and I got inspired. I said to the Lord, if pastor Andrew Tsai can do it, I want to do it.
That night I went to sleep around 12:30am thinking that I need to drive back to LA the next morning so I better sleep early. Little did I know, I got waken up around 4:06 or 4:08 am according to the hotel alarm clock; instantly I felt His presence in the room and prompted me to pray. I did pray for a bit and went to the rest room; back on my bed, I prayed a bit more but was gone afterward. I thought if it was Jesus, He would show up at 4 am not 4:06 or 4:08 am; for He is always on time. So I didn't think it was Jesus who woke me up.
Finally I got up around 6:30 am and went to a shower; in the middle of it, a voice told me to check my own watch because Jesus did come at 4 am, not 4:08 or 4:06 am. So I did. My watch was exactly 8 minutes late. The voice told me to check my cell phone again. The clock on my cell phone was exactly 6 minutes late. I was in a "holy" shock! Jesus is faithful. When you ask Him to come at 4 am, He won't come a minute early nor a minute late.
So last night...I prayed to God that I wanted to wake up at 4 am to pray; the whole night I couldn't sleep, instead I was murmuring in prayer. I finally fell into sleep and woke up around 5:30am. I said,"God, You didn't wake me up at 4 am but You kept me awake all night. What's up with that?" I guess I just want to feel His presence again in my room...
I begin to like the 4 am appointment with Jesus.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
thank God for desert...
The desert holds a special place in God's Word. The Scriptures portray the desert as a place of inspiration and exaltation - a place where people met God in a powerful new way. King David wrote the 63rd Psalm while in exile in the Desert of Judah. He was hiding from his son Absalom, who wanted to replace him as king of Israel.
For Joseph, a deep pit in the desert was the first stop on a 13-year journey through desolation and despair. That 13-year desert experience served to break Joseph's self-will and self-confidence. It taught him that he could not control anything and that he needed to rely on God to manage the events in his life. Joseph's desert trial prepared him by scorching the youthful pride and arrogance out of his young life so that when he was 30 years old he could rule Egypt at Pharaoh's side in a spirit of humility and servant-hood.
Before becoming king of Israel, David was a shepherd. Part of his training for leadership involved hand-to-claw combat with the beasts of the wilderness, including the lion and the bear. Elijah learned the principles of spiritual leadership while in the wilderness of Gilead. And Jesus was tempted and tested for 40 days in the desert before He began to preach.
Perhaps God has given you a dream, but now it seems that your dream has withered and died under the scorching desert sun. It seems that God has gone away and is not listening to your prayers. But I want you to know that that your dream still lives. God is with you, even if you can't see Him, hear Him or sense His presence. He is preparing you in the desert.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
here you go...
Annie is too busy to write it down, so I write it for her...haha...I love you, Annie. You have the favor of the Lord.
Jesus is great!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Gone fishing

Keep the fish, let go of the shark. That's spiritual talking there! Got that? hmm...that's deep.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fun Day in Irvine
Anyway, we arranged to travel down to Irvine in no time on a 96 degree hot Sunday morning. As we got there, we set up the booth with our "Can I pray for you?" t-shirts; which I thought probably few people would be interested of buying today.
Annie, Jennifer, Shinny, Eric and myself began to walk to the sanctuary as Priscilla stationed at the booth; it was a beautiful worship although I didn't feel anything in particular during the praise/worship. I just felt the desire/eager to shout to Him at the top of my lungs. After some introduction from pastor Andrew, Annie and I walked up and began to share about our ministry and the movement "Can I pray for you?" we are determined to create. We played Joy and Jennifer's videos which Johnny made prior to his departure; the videos were very well received.
Good job, Johnny!!
I then preached a little, after that I "summoned" Eric, Shinny and Jennifer to share with the congregation about what they encountered. They were so genuine and passionate. God has put so much zeal in these people's hearts; I am deeply thankful. Praise You, Jesus for all Impact young dudes and gals.
After the preaching and praying, pastor Andrew asked if anyone needed prayer, just come forth. We began to see many adults, papa and mama started to come to the altar; they were so hungry and thirsty for His presence. This is what God is looking for, brokenness and hunger. I personally prayed for over 10 people, young and old; one by one, God just put precise word of knowledge in my mouth. I asked myself, how in the world would I know these people's mind and situation? God is the voice and I am only a channel; I just released what I received. People began to weep; I am talking about mid-aged Chinese men and women. This is happening! I asked all of them if the messages are speaking to them; all they could say is "that's what I have been praying about..." then wept.
God is so real; all we need to do is love Him and trust in Him. Holy Spirit will lead the way to Jesus, our Lord. Just obey.
At the end, we sold all 70 some "Can I pray for you?" T-shirts in one hour. Thank God that we didn't have to bring any T-shirts back. How about that?
God is great!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The violent take it by force...
There are many things in life we care so much of, yet at the end they turn out to be stress and sorrow.
The poet, Moses, in the Bible says, " All our days pass away under Your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away." (Psalms 90:9-10)
It's so true. The older you get, the more you realize that this world is not so much of a reality; because there is another dimension that is much more real than this world that we live in now.
We call this world - reality, because we can touch, feel, see, smell and hear; is that it? What about things you can't feel and see and hear etc? What do you call it? Don't call it unreal; cuz that makes you sound stupid.
I love how Matrix the movie describes it. Once you take the red pill, you would know what the Matrix is. Neo accepts by swallowing an offered red pill, and abruptly wakes up naked in a red liquid-filled pod, his body connected by wires to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods. Neo realizes that the world he is familiar with since birth is no long the world he knows; the Matrix, an illusory simulated reality constructed of the world of 1999, developed by the machines to keep the human population docile.
I mean, this is exactly what Jesus said, "you are in the world, but not of the world..." Paul the apostle also said in Ephesians 2 that we are made alive in Christ as we were dead in our transgressions and sins.
Some people have taken the red pills but regreted like Cypher in the movie Matrix, and we all know about his ending; some just have to move on and save the world just ike what Neo, Morpheus or Trinity does in the movie. There is no turning back whether you like it or not. There is no grey area; no compromise in the Kingdom. Live in the world of "Matrix" and die eternally; or wake up and fight till Jesus comes back again.
"The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bill Johnson - Heaven invades Earth
Here is a supernatural dose for you today!
Just take a hit, guys!
Enjoy the heaven on earth!
remember the good old days birthday was fun. it got me to think about lots of stuff. am i fulfilling the calling i first received from the Lord? i am excited about the years to come; at a point, i am kindda excited to do more crazy things for God, myself, my family and my ministry. how about that?
this is in my heart...
1. middle know what i mean, jack...**
2. school for know that, right...gerr...
3. stronger the better...hehe...i like
4. mama miya...oh ya...that's right...bring it on.
5. stuff
need to go out now...time to pray
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
happy birthday to you, annie
my wife just did something funny in front of me...happy birthday, baby you rock!
you are very cute and funny yo....
i wasted half of my day trying to install this CS3 to my computer; as you can see, my stupid computer can't seem to work that's why i wasted a half of my day...i need a brand new computer, God!!!
happy birthday, are 20 something now, eh?
Monday, June 2, 2008
i am sick and tired of wasting my own time on the wrong people...i am called to do this kind of work for You? God...You are kindding me...please don't bother to leave any comments, all you readers...i am just venting...ha.
i don't want to waste my time for non-sense anymore...i am leaving this place if i can't see anything You promise of doing. i need more patience... what da..~!#$%^*(?>@@
learn from mistakes...Jack...pick wisely...hmm...this reminds me of Indiana Jones who picks the correct holy grail in the movie, the last crusade. pick wisely...young Indy-Jack.
oh monday...btw, Lord Jesus...did i mention that i don't waste my time? alright
Friday, May 30, 2008
Made alive in Christ
I struggled with myself lately. What do You want from me again? I face self-doubt, the fear of uncertainty and lack of faith. Who/what did I turn to? For a moment, I didn't turn to You; I was anxious and I couldn't sleep that night, I couldn't breath for a minute when I was laying down. I couldn't catch my breath, I thought I was going to die...and I know it was my time to die.
You knew that I was gonna fail and trip...yet You allowed me to fall, I hated it. I hate to be distant from You. I was under the influence of anxiety and lack of faith. Forgive me for not trusting in You. I am sorry...Lord.
I am always Your workmanship, Lord.
Bring me one high school or middle school kid from each schools in San Gabirel Valley; I will make them disciples that change the world. That's my prayer and conviction for today.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
If the Kingdom is full of God's treasure and blessing, faith is the key to His Kingdom.
Faith moves Heaven, so that Heaven will move earth.
Eveyday I know that either I am walking in faith or without faith. My only prayer for Annie and I is the "favor of the Lord" falls on us wherever we go; if we walk in faith, we live each day without worrying. I say, Lord You are good and Your mercy endures forever.
Hallelujah! Let Your Glory Fall!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I want to ride an animal in Heaven too!
I just read this book, Visions beyond the Veil by H.A. Baker. If you can read it online click the link above, or you can purchase it online.
H.A. Baker was the grandfather of Roland Baker. Roland and his wife Heidi Baker serve the Lord in Africa, N. America and many countries.
The book is full of heavenly encounter back in the early 1920's in the Yunnan Province of China.
Children were riding animals in Heaven back in the 1920's too!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Some good words
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sarah Wang on Ustream TV
when Annie is not home...
Florida revival...yes, we went. Me, Johnny, Eric, crazy Sarah and Bao Zi went over there just to "get some". Go check out their blogs; I am lazy to write more. I wasn't expecting too much but at the same time I was hoping to receive something. Honestly, I was not sick or needing any healing miracle in my body; I only wanted to "check it out" and hopefully "get some". Free tickets anyway. I hesitated first because we don't have much money left; I could probably spend only some of our savings when I go there. But I chose to go because I was encouraged by those 4 crazy people. At the end, we really "got some". I never felt/encountered the same "touch" of the Holy Spirit before; it was "electricity" all over my belly, to a point it hurt (in a good way). I came back feeling "ouch" in my's like..."wow..." Just like that!
On Sunday Steven got healed after we prayed for him. Nice, eh?
Before Sunday His right arm got healed when touching the monitor screen during the Live broadcast of Florida Revival, then on Sunday his left arm got healed after we prayed for him. That was fun and "ouch" again in my belly; feeling like giving birth (like I know what it feels like). hmm...
On Monday I drove to Sacramento. Why? Sunday afternoon, Ryan and Sam's parents brought them over to church and I bumped into them outside of church knowing that they got baptised, I went and congratulated them. Teresa (Ryan/Sam's Mom) told me about this Korean grandma who prophesies with much accuracy is visiting her daughter in Sacramento. Before I went to Florida, I talked with Pastor Rebbecca (Teresa's older sister) and decided to visit them after coming back from Florida. Pastor Rebbecca wanted me to meet up with the Korean grandma as well as the pastors who ordained Pastor Rebbecca.
I desperately need God's answer and direction this time for the ministry and my future.
Monday I arrived. Had a great time chatting with Ryan/Sam's grandma. She is so funny and adorable. Tuesday I met up with Pastor Cindy, she is so inspiring and cheerful; she shared with me about the 5 fold ministry and how to activate them in God's people. She believes that we are walking in the right path. Hallelujah!
In the evening I went to a home group full of "older" people and Pastor John, Pastor Cindy's husband, was sharing. Before their dinner time, Pastor Rebbecca asked me to stay for another day to share with them during the Thursday morning prayer meeting. They told me that they will bring many sick people and cancer people to the meeting; so I better get ready to pray for them. I reluctantly agreed. After Pastor John's sharing, they brought a lady who couldn't move her shoulder to me; I gave thanks to the Lord and prayed for her, She got healed right away, no more pain! Hallelujah!
On Wednesday morning 10 am, it's time to meet up with this Korean grandma. She has been praying for me after I decided to go to Sacramento last week. I wasn't nervous but I was waiting for some directions.
My Hallelujah Obasan (grandma), that's what I call her now, is such a humble lady; she is probably 4'8", a skinny 78 years old Korean woman with much experiences, suffering/victory and history written all over her face. I hope to write down more of her stories in the future. She is simply a God's general.
We all sat down. She started telling us that she received gold dust this morning before praying for me; it's her second time receiving gold dust. She feels that it's God's anointing on me; and she thinks that I am like someone important or something, that's why God gave her gold dust. So I laughed.
She didn't want to pray for me because in Korean Christian tradition, a pastor is like a representative of God Himself; she wants to respect God's servant, she is willing pray for me only if I bless her first. This lady has so much anointing on her...OMG, and she wants me to pray for her first?! She insisted, so I prayed for her. She started prophesying after I blessed her. And these are the key words.
1. Be Bold. Like Joshua.
2. Thanksgiving Offering.
3. You are an Overcomer.
4. Build up a generation of missionary.
5. You have so much passion and love for Jesus.
6. You will face big challenges because the glory is big.
7. God has special assignments for you.
8. Stay in His path, don't fall to the left or to the right.
9. You have much of His anointing, you must realize it.
10. God will bring people of all ages to your church that will impact cities/nations.
11. Shout Hallelujah in the time of hardship and trouble.
12. God will provide you and the church financially.
We had Korean BBQ for lunch with Pastor Rebbecca, Ruth (Obasan's daughter) and my Hallelujah Obasan. I left without receiving my answers. Talked with Annie in the evening, still not sure if God wants me to become a full time pastor or go back to marketplace; but my lovely wife is so supportive and lovely, she encouraged me over the phone anyway.
On Thursday morning, I was told that Ruth and my Hallelujah Obasan were going to come to the prayer meeting; I was happy to see them. In the car, Ruth told me that Obasan said to her that I should not think too much about the right or the left; I should stay in His path. When I heard that, I was in shock because that was my prayer with Annie the night before. Should I become a full time pastor or marketplace minister? We didn't finish our conversation before we arrived.
About 10 people showed up in the prayer meeting, no one was leading the worship; so I did. We were singing "There is nothing impossible in Thee..." I was singing so loud and tears just rolled down; I just love Jesus, for He is able. We sang in spirit for a while after that song. All the sudden, I heard "arthritis" will be healed. OK, let's step out by faith. 3 ladies with arthritis!!! I prayed for each one of them and asked them to do things they couldn't do before; OMG! they got healed! My Obasan saw that vision of 3 arthritis got healed a night before. One lady in the back yelled her back pain is gone too! Our faith was totally boosted up!
Now they bring me a lung cancer patient............
I didn't know what I was thinking at that time....gerr...just pray and believe that He is good. I prayed for the lung cancer patient, she was touched by the Holy Spirit and fell in His presence. Then I preached for about 30 minutes. After that, everyone of them wanted me to pray for them. There I stood, one by one, all "word of knowledge". First one came, word of knowledge for her children; she started bawling. I forgot what I said anyway... :) One after another, either they were on the floor or crying.
This one is interesting, a lady came to me telling me about a bunch of her problems; I didn't pray for her issues, I simply asked her "did you get baptized in the Holy Spirit?" She says, "Yes." Then I asked "did you speak in tongue?" She says "Yes". I asked again, "do you speak in tongue nowadays?" She says "No". Before I finished saying, God wants you to speak in tongue. She went "ballistic" in the Spirit! OMG, what did I do? She was shaking, laughing, crying, getting drunk in the Spirit and speaking in tongue so loud you could hear her two blocks away. When I said, "More, Holy Spirit." She got even louder uncontrollably. Wow...! I didn't do it!
Right after, the lung cancer patient wanted to be prayed for; her first time got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongue. She spoke in tongue so loud too!!!
The whole room was filled with God's presence and a holy "chaos". It was so much fun!
Afterward Ruth, my Obasan and myself continued to chat about what they told me earlier in the car. My Obasan said, "I don't understand why a guy like you with this anointing would even think about going back to the marketplace?", "God has already selected you. Don't fall to the left nor to the right, you should stand firm and walk in His path." I think I have the answer.
She says, as long as I live I will pray for you, Jack. I then asked her to be my spiritual mother; we hugged. Therefore, I have my own "hardcore" Korean Hallelujah Obasan praying for me from now on. :-)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Project Wildfire
Totally ready for that!
Last weekend was a holy chaos when people stepped out to pray and prophesy in the public. Well...the Bible says, the Signs and Wonders will follow us when we GO preach the Kingdom of God. I think it's time for ALL Christians to take God's word seriously.
What about giving $5000, $2000 and $1000 to people and ask them to invest? See if they come back with double portion? See if they are faithful and diligent? Would any church do that? hmmm...
Onething was cool. Got to know Merchant Band, Dwayne Roberts, Justin Rizzo and others.
Sunday service was such an act of boldness for Impact as a church. Our faith grows when we are out there. We divided into 7 teams, Arcadia High, Alhambra High, Temple City High, Gaberlino High, Arcadia Library, Alhambra Library and Arcadia park.
Arcadia High - Alice/Jasmine.
Alhambra High - Jennifer.
Temple City High - Jack.
Gaberlino High - Eric.
Arcadia Library - Johnny.
Alhambra Library - Joy.
Arcadia Park - Sarah.
I need all of you to write down what you and your team did and submit it back to me. Thanks!
Monday, April 21, 2008
A week full of His presence
And You say to me, "You've ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes." Who am I that You've loved me so dearly?
Tears fall as I type these words above...
Lord, You are so beautiful than diamonds.
Lord, You are so costly than gold.
Lord, You are so precious than silver.
And nothing I desire compares with You.
Be right back with more of His presence.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
2 In & Out cheeseburgers = $4
Win 2 souls with 2 cheeseburgers = Priceless.
Good job, Joy, Jennifer and Eric. Your City Invasion pays off.
Kevin (Chris' brother) whose spine was hurting but through Joy, Jennifer and Eric's prayer last Friday, he now can run without hurting.
Don't you just love that!
another pastoral meeting...
All church leaders shared about what's happening lately in their churches.
I really respect and honor these pastors; they have fought the war for a long time, they've been standing at their posts for the Lord with perseverance and patience. Although one pastor, pastor Timothy, is resigning from his church, he still will continue to minister to other churches through his teaching. He has been faithfully pastoring that church for 5 years; that's all what God cares about, I believe. It's our faithfulness and goodness. It's His church! Maybe some of us are not the "right" material to grow a BIG church; but as long as we are faithful, God is pleased. Pastor Andrew Chen is taking a 2 months leave, he and his leadership team decided to let him take a short term break; I am not gonna disclose why they do it but they really love their pastor, I believe.
Almost all the senior pastors agree that the senior pastors are the one stopping their congregation from growing. Isn't that ironic? They say, when the senior pastor is absent, the congregation will be forced to raise up to serve and to take leadership; through that, the congregation will rely on God more and become mature. Maybe, maybe not. But I don't want to be the one who stops people from growing, period.
Time to go city back.
Monday, April 14, 2008
is that enough?
Just go out there and disciple someone! Bring one person to Christ at the time. Why is it so hard to bring people to Christ? Why are we still only hanging out with the same crowd as we did 2 years ago? Is it enough? Jesus didn't feel like that He was wasting time on the 12 although they were bunch of losers...haha...I feel like a loser; Jesus wouldn't agree so. Guess people still struggle with sin and stupidity.
Maybe one day, I should just miss church and see who is gonna take charge.
Nothing I wanted to say during today's service...I should've sent them out instead...boring if we don't go out.
the new kid said to me today after service..."Is this it? Is this what you do on Sundays? Cool."
I asked myself the same question with a different attitude..."Is that it? Is this enough?"
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
who cares?
I don't know about God's timing on you, bro; but I surely hope that you know I care about you. I know that you've made some stupid mistakes, which probably got you nowhere now; but don't give up on yourself, don't give up on the calling that God has placed inside of you, bro. So what if others look at you with doubts, so what if others look down on what you did, so what if people talk behind your what? You are a man of God. In you, there is a cry out for more of His glory.
Who cares about church-ianity? Who cares about your history? Who cares about all these stupid religious legalism?
I love you, bro. Just come back and stand at your post once again.
whatever happened to you can never put an end to your calling in Christ. Maybe you think you've failed many; but don't you think our failures can magnify God's mercy and grace. What about "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
I could understand that you didn't want to pick up my calls; honestly I've been wanting to call you for a long time. Just listen to your own heart, bro; He will whisper to you with His love when you listen. I don't know what I could do to build up your faith except praying for you, bro.
I love you, man. I've always been proud of you since the day I met you.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Fascinate and Focus
And here are the stories of what happened this past weekend.
Friday, April 4
I woke up thinking about that woman with 12 years of blood disease in the Bible; I want to touch Jesus just like her. I want Jesus to say to me "Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me."
Did I enjoy putting together a joint conference? hmm...My prayer was ALL young people get to encounter Jesus, no matter which church they are from. God saw it all; He is faithful till the end. Good worship by RJ. Nice introduction sharing and reminder of God's love by Mark; personally I was very touched when Mark Hendrickson talked about walking to Him not away from Him, because just few days ago, I felt that I was walking away from Him although I don't notice that. Of course tears were streaming down as I felt His love; it was a good reminder for me.
Saturday, April 5
I was supposed to teach at an art school on Sat. morning, but I decided to come to the meeting. I was a little sad that no young people from other churches showed up, but only Impact kids. Why God? As we walked in and settled down, Tina began to read the verses; but to me I just wanted to cry out to God for the young people. The worship was awesome! At Impact, we never did something like this before; over one hour of free worship and singing in the spirit, we could only do it for 20-30 minutes sometimes. But this morning God just took over and everyone was engaged worshipping God so freely. Sarah led the worship along with Johnny and Annie; they began to sing in the spirit, there were many good lines flowing in the melody and the lyrics touched me deeply. "It is God. He is here." I felt it so strongly in my heart. I knelt down and began to weep, not because of the young people anymore but because of His love and strong presence. Tears were coming down non-stop; I love it when God messes me up. I kept asking for more of His love and His mercy; all the sudden I saw a picture of Jesus playing the baby blocks with me. In the vision, I was a baby sitting by Jesus. He picks up a baby block and shows me how to stack it on top of another; He is teaching me how to lay down the blocks. There were many of the blocks but only a few of them were stacked on top of one another.
After that, in another vision, I saw a beautiful shinny sword decorated with a large red gemstone or a ruby along with many other gems or some sort. I asked God what it is for; but He says "Pick it up and use it", instantly I received a word - authority. I felt that I needed to open my eyes looking to my left; all the sudden I saw two angels standing right against the wall waiting. I immediately closed my eyes and the sword came back to me again. Then a voice says, use the sword to command the angels to minister to these young people. So I hesitantly pulled the sword out and said, "In Jesus' name, I..gerr...command you to minister to these people here" With much faith I said it again and again, immediately some people came foward and knelt down crying before God. Later I realized that the angels were waiting for the command to minister to God's people as Mark Hendrickson shared a similar story of what happened to their friend. There is the confirmation.
Many were touched by God this morning. I was overwhelmed with His presence. But here is the coolest thing, about the end of evening session at the same spot where the angels appeared, Jennifer found feathers which were not there earlier. That strengthens our faith in God once again with another confirmation! What a day of encounter, eh?
Sunday, April 6
"Where is my gemstone?"
Awesome worship @ Impact! Love the Fire Tunnel. First time @ Triumphant on Sunday. Share more later... (to be continued...)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Prophetic Insight from Robert Hartley
FACT #3: All of Life is a Test of How We Respond to His Value and His Will.
It was clear to me through the intensity of the encounter, and the thoughts emanating from the angelic criers that all of life is a test of our response to Him – will we look at our desires and our circumstances versus Him and His will. He was beyond fear; He was the fact. And this life was just the shortest test. These angels said that currently, in our response to our issues, we had lost the value of Him and placed more value on our circumstances and our own will. These angels were “seemingly surprised” by how humans were tripping in a level place, because in reality the tests of this life weren’t that difficult to them. But, people had magnified their problems and fears, thus confining themselves to prisons of their own making. They had done it to themselves. This was the fact that emanated from the presence of God that He would leave them in their prisons until they responded to Him. It was their choice.These “Angelic hosts” were saying the only place of clarity of priorities came from looking into His face. All of man’s priorities were distorted away from Him when they did not look into His face and His nature. It was time to take our eyes off ourselves and set on our eyes upon His glory. Only then, can we pass the tests. I then saw three groups of people; the elderly, ministers, and marketplace people. In each arena, there were tests that gave people the opportunity to respond to the value of His supreme beauty. If they sought correctly, they would pass the tests of priority and prostrate themselves before God to gain true wisdom. The question now became whether or not these leaders would choose to bow low in the presence of the Lord.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Stir up the flame, by The Merchand Band
When I heard this song for the first time sung by Misty, my hair stood up and I wanted to cry before the Lord. Same feeling I had when I heard "Hosaan" by Hillsong. Wow...what a powerful song! I like Misty's version but here is the orignial.
Btw, I left my work this week; to be precise, I got let-go because of conflict and different expectations. I was so happy! I prayed to come out with a better excuse to leave that job; I had a difficult time working there although the pay was pretty good. But I was not happy. :(
Anyway...long story, but I need to run now...Stir up the flame!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Encountering Jesus
To summarize yesterday's sermon...
Martha - before encountering Jesus, she was serving and complaining. After encountering, she still serves but now she has a new and better attitude.
Mary - before encountering Jesus, she was hungry of what Jesus said. After encountering, she is willing to pour out her all (expensive nard) and break any tradition by unbinding her hair to wipe Jesus' feet. Her worship has become a God-centered and a selfless worship through the act of her devotion and love to Jesus.
Lazarus - before encountering Jesus, he was dead. After encountering, he is alive.
What's better than encountering Jesus in life, eh?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
spirit of John the Baptist
What would John the Baptist do if he lived in the 21st century?
Key messages about John the Baptist:
- Filled by the power and the Spirit.
- Consecrate.
- Pursue holiness.
- Simple lifestyle. (Eat locusts & wild honey, wear camel hair)
- Preach a simple Kingdom message.
- Baptize believers.
- Cry out for the coming of the Lord.
- Prepare the way. (hmm...What is this?)
- "He must increase, but I must decrease".
- Imitate his role model, Elijah. (Camel hair and leather belt)
- Being bold and courageous in the evil days. (Confront religious leaders and king)
What else?
hmm...time to meditate on these.
Monday, March 17, 2008
relentless heart
Didn't know how to fully deliver the message yesterday. This is how I felt...
"Then Moses said to the LORD, "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."
Father, I had a burden but couldn't deliver it. Holy Spirit, won't You breath life into Your people? So that they will understand Your burden too.
Friday, March 14, 2008
A man called Norman
Click NOW!
Part 1
Part 2
We all need to find a man called Norman to change our life.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Well...the thing is, you can call me pastor/leader to describe my position to your friends/family. But I rather you all just call me Jack.
The day Impact Harvest Church started, I have "officially" become the pastor/leader in the eyes of our mother church; now the ordination that was brought up by Rev. LT to "officially" ordain me as a Reverend is because he thinks that I need to be recognized by the other church leaders.
That way, they might not ask us to "merge" with their churches; the treatment we receive would be different. Impact has not been treated as a "church" because we are a bunch of young ppl without an "official" Reverend.
In ordination, other church Reverends will need to attend and "officially" lay hands on me then proclaim and acknowledge my position and role. Besides, only the ordained (means certified) Reverend can perform marriage; who wants me to perform their marriage?
Ephesians 4:11-12
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
In the church, there are spiritual leaders whose job is to equip us for ministry. That's also my job. If calling me pastor makes you feel more involved in the ministry, then call me pastor. If not, just call me Jack.
Ordination will be performed in the near future as Impact grows stronger.