Monday, October 6, 2008


Annie has an interesting insight that she shared with me after this conference, Call of duty. Remember back in the day when we were deciding on the theme of this conference, out of the blue, we named the conference, Call of duty. It was not only a popular game, but also we as Christians are called to be warriors/soldiers of Christ. Thus we decided on this theme, hoped to dispatch a generation of revivalists. God is interesting. Rev. Mike had no idea about the topic or what so ever before he stood on the stage; the night he shared, he mentioned that God gave him the word "spiritual warfare" as he prayed.
Interestingly enough some of our leaders are going through different aspects of warfare, although some of them were not able to hear the entire message; I believe that God is warning us about the spiritual warfare that is happening or will happen among us.
Ever since we moved into this "Wu-Shu center", I felt the intensity of warfare as well as the discipline of the Lord. It's not like "the Learning center" anymore when we could kindda get by and cut corners. I feel that God really means business now. How many of us could bear God's intensive training? I sometimes wonder...why God calls us to do things that no one is doing? How many of us have realized that? God intentionally intensifies our circumstances and condition, so that we will seek solutions from Him.
To change a culture, it takes courage also called godly foolishness. How many of us are actually foolish for the Kingdom? Are we wise or foolish? Depending on whcih side you're on - God's side or the world, I think.
Just like this postcard, we've just raged a war against the enemy. Some know it, some may not, some got shot down yet still strong, some got knocked down without knowing why; whether we like it or not, we are already in war. How would you respond to it?


jenni huang said...

Good sharing Jack!!=) time to fight~with God.

Thanks for your advice Jack...and thx for always taking care of JH =) I hope he's doing fine..

I'll definitely pray for myself and my family. Need your prayers too Jack=)

God bless you and Annie..and your baby..^^ can't wait to see him/her next yr!

female JH

[joy B.] doveseye said...

i totally feel u,LD!!
that's what i've been thinking ever since Rev.Mike showed up..
God is good all the time!
Call of Duty,
joy's getting violent!!hahaha~

Anonymous said...

The tank, babe...u forgot to mention that... the whole design of the flyer was so symbolic that we weren't even aware of what we've done and it just happened...

also, this conference would not have made sense without us moving to the new location. Pastor Mike's change of schedule was also a God plan. Man...Papa God is a big funny boss...His timing...unbeatable!

:-p miss u though u're next to me. haha^^