Tuesday, November 17, 2009

long day

I drove down to San Diego... now I am tired. Thanks, James! :-0

Sunday was great. With Evan Money sharing, God really showed me something that is our messages need to be simple but profound. I am excited to see that GodChasers Network is making history. Over 20 some leaders gather together under the same roof, some from BOLCCLA, some from Impact; as we gather together and shared hearts, I began to realize how much God wants to use this group of people. I want to be part of it too!

Although we were missing some leaders from other Bread of Life, I believe that the unity is undivided among the core-leaders. We made a covenant among the leaders; we shared dinner together (pizza). This is a divine covenant! haha... amen!

James shared something cool during the meeting, but somehow I forgot about it now... guess I am too tired now.
Anyway this is first youth leader's gathering in the history of BOL, USA.

GodChasers! Rock on!