Sunday, March 8, 2009

Walking out...

A list of things I do not want to tolerate anymore...

1. diseases
2. sickness/illness
3. cancer
4. lukewarmness
5. apathy/coldness
6. poverty
7. sexual immorality
8. addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking)
9. addictions (games & cell phones)
10. demonic oppressions

God...I cannot allow these spirits to oppress my brothers and sisters! This is not right! the name of Jesus I cancel ALL your stealing from my family! Stop it! In Jesus name!


[joy B.] doveseye said...

i'm with you!!


Anonymous said...

Amen Jack, recently i just felt i am open up to let all these bad stuffs come in my life, but i just tired of it, and I pray that God to walk with me again.

Thank you for you consistent love, i felt once encouraged, and ready to receive His love once again


Anonymous said...

let's do it!

can't wait to get to Rev. Mike's teaching on 'warring in the spirit'... I believe it has everything to do with what we're going/about to go through.
