Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another trip to Dr. Morrison's office today...

I am so proud of my dear wife, Annie, she refused to get another ultra sound next week, which means we only have to go to the doctor's office once a week instead of ten million times.

What good is it when the doctor only wants to find out what's "wrong" with Austen? The truth is, there is nothing wrong with Austen; he is just growing slower according to the schedule. But I believe that he will grow in his fullness that God creates him to be; if not, God is still good!

Randy Clark said to his daughter when she didn't get healing in her body, he said I don't know why God is not healing you now, but I can not deny the cross.

I simply can not deny His cross. I pray for more mercy from the Lord, as well as more mercy from the church; so that they will give mercy when we are in need.

Today it's fun to just listen to Randy Clark and Bill Johnson at the Healing School.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Healing School

Well...this post has nothing to do with the healing school that I am attending this week. But since I am attending it, I just want to record it.

Yesterday morning I walked to church, btw the weather was great after almost 2 weeks of spring rain. I love my prayer walk time to church; I always have a great time with Jesus while walking to church. I got this revelation that morning. We can only honor God with our sufferings/persecution while we are living on earth, because once we are in heaven there is no tears, no sufferings and no sorrow. There will not be any opportunity to honor God with hardship in heaven! We can only get rewards while we are on earth; there is no rewards given in heaven!

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)

Hope in Christ is the end picture!
Rewards from the Lord is my end goal!
Who runs a race doesn't expect for a reward? Stop being religious or hypocritical!
I will exchange my persecutions with crowns and rewards. Only through sufferings I can honor God, only when I honor God I get my rewards. I don't welcome sufferings but I do love God's mercy and His goodness when I am in one. Whenever a trial hits, I get to see God's goodness and His unfailing love. I am encouraged to face any trials when I get to see His glory over my hardship, which is something I won't be able to experience once I am in heaven. In heaven, I believe that I will remember every trials I go through; and Jesus will celebrate my victory with me and angels.

I live to be faithful in honoring God during my tribulation.
That's my revelation while walking to church. Not sure if the reader can get it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired of going to the doctor's office every week...
I am sick and tired...
I am sick and tired...
I am sick and tired...
..... ><

Grow...Austen. Daddy and Mommy will always love you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jesus likes me

Jesus likes me...


I like.

Friday, February 6, 2009

School of Disciples - Day 3

Day 3 - School of Disciples

We had a breakthrough today around noon. These past 3 days, only me and Evan gathered for SOD everyday from 10am; sometimes Momo came in late to join us.
First thing we do is go into the Soaking Room and pray for 30 mins before the lectures; we then watch a DVD and discuss it afterwards. Then it's lunch time, my lovely wife brings yummy food to us. Wow...that's something to look forward to.

Today is a bit different.

At the end of the DVD lecture, Evan's head was down; I ask him if he is ok. He then says, I feel like crying because I am going to fail... I didn't understand what he means, first thing that came to me was - let's go to the Soaking Room and pray!
We went in and prayed for 15 mins then we stopped. (Lovely wife brought us lunch, so we stopped) I didn't ask Evan much but I know that the Holy Spirit was doing something. Holy Spirit is the Counselor, He will surely guide Evan. I assigned him to clean up the floor and fix things at church the entire afternoon; without any complain he finished everything I asked him to do. Good thing that we are learning about "Desert Mentality" by Joyce Meyer in our class; first lesson is DO NOT COMPLAIN in times of hardship.
Around 4 pm, I took Evan out to hang out with some high school kids in Arcadia. Before we went out, I told him to observe me and to learn it from me; I am not an expert, but I am willing to be used by God to reach out to the others. Like Apostle Paul says, imitate me as I imitate Christ.

We came back around 6 pm, Evan finally shared with me about what happened earlier. He felt like crying because he knew that his own plan is going to fail. Why? Because now he is going to surrender to God and accept whatever God's plan for him; it's no longer Evan's will be done, but God's will be done in his life.
Evan decides to give up and let go of his plan, and allow God to lead him in this "living by faith" lifestyle. By the way, Evan accepted Jesus in June 2007 after coming out of depression and suicide.

I see a breakthrough in Evan's life today. It's only day 3. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen in day 30.

Pray for Impact SOD.

Monday, February 2, 2009

School of Disciples

We've just started our School of Disciples yesterday; I have been struggling about this training school, because I know that I am not the teacher type of leader. However if this is from God, I will set forth and be led by the Holy Spirit, because it's all about the empowering of the saints. I believe that through this training, we will see teachers, pastors, prophets, apostles and evangelists being raised up to continue equipping the next generation.

I am not looking for quantity, I am looking for quality. God can use a few to defeat many. I want to see the possibility of overcoming the enemy with a small amount of radical believers. God is good and He is able.

Two healings occurred and one confirmation from a word of knowledge after the lecture, isn't that just exciting? One headache got healed - though it's not a huge issue, but God showed up anyway! One person's leg grew out, Peter had uneven legs since he was 7. After a car accident, he couldn't walk like a normal person because one leg is shorter than the other; he had to walk on the tip of this right foot. After prayer, he can walk like a normal person! Praise Jesus!

Get ready, let's take the anointing to our communities! Release the Radicals.