Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One of my favorite shows!!!

I have been watching Ninja Warrior whenever I get a chance. This is a cool show because God speaks to me through this. We all face different obstacles in life; all we need to do is to fight back, no matter how challenging the obstacle is.

Although I constantly fail, just like these relentless fighters, I will still come back up. An old saying - Success is sweet, but the secret ingredient is sweat.

My God does the impossible; so will I.


[joy B.] doveseye said...

such an awesome revelation!
i hope all the TV shows give us revelation from God..ha

jenni huang said...

jason and i love the show too! haha

just wanna let u know that the "can i pray for you?" t-shirt is a big hit here in Vancouver. So many brothers and sisters here want one...haha but too bad i only brought 7. hahaa~~

praying for you and annie's baby =) Hope everything goes well with impact too! ^^