Monday, April 21, 2008

A week full of His presence

Only thing that matters to me is His presence. I can not live with the presence of the Lord; I think about Him, my heart just melts. Lord, would you keep tenderizing my heart; so that I can love You back with my weak love.
And You say to me, "You've ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes." Who am I that You've loved me so dearly?
Tears fall as I type these words above...

Lord, You are so beautiful than diamonds.
Lord, You are so costly than gold.
Lord, You are so precious than silver.
And nothing I desire compares with You.

Be right back with more of His presence.


Sarah Wang said...

Exactly what I felt during the last worship of One Thing.

I didn't care if there were gemstones/feathers/gold dust... I wanted His presence and love more than anything else!!

God, I love You more.


Anonymous said...

u are a crazy dudu...

thanks for inviting me onboard.


Alice in Wonderland said...

"Jesus Your love is better than wine!!"

hm, what does wine taste like? I want to know how good His love is, so logically I should drink some wine so I can compare, right? XD

God's Presence Is The Goodest!!

Anonymous said...

i asked God to give me more 份量, and i felt strongly the spirit is with me for since this monday, i continue to pray that may this spirit of 份量 keeps on!!! thank you Jack!