Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Prophetic Insight from Robert Hartley

This is only a part of the letter but it touches me the most.

FACT #3: All of Life is a Test of How We Respond to His Value and His Will.
It was clear to me through the intensity of the encounter, and the thoughts emanating from the angelic criers that all of life is a test of our response to Him – will we look at our desires and our circumstances versus Him and His will. He was beyond fear; He was the fact. And this life was just the shortest test. These angels said that currently, in our response to our issues, we had lost the value of Him and placed more value on our circumstances and our own will. These angels were “seemingly surprised” by how humans were tripping in a level place, because in reality the tests of this life weren’t that difficult to them. But, people had magnified their problems and fears, thus confining themselves to prisons of their own making. They had done it to themselves. This was the fact that emanated from the presence of God that He would leave them in their prisons until they responded to Him. It was their choice.These “Angelic hosts” were saying the only place of clarity of priorities came from looking into His face. All of man’s priorities were distorted away from Him when they did not look into His face and His nature. It was time to take our eyes off ourselves and set on our eyes upon His glory. Only then, can we pass the tests. I then saw three groups of people; the elderly, ministers, and marketplace people. In each arena, there were tests that gave people the opportunity to respond to the value of His supreme beauty. If they sought correctly, they would pass the tests of priority and prostrate themselves before God to gain true wisdom. The question now became whether or not these leaders would choose to bow low in the presence of the Lord.


+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...

one day one apple, keep you healthy, and stay away from sickness

jasypants said...

lol Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. Bob has a new website at Bob Hartley Prophetic Equipping