Wednesday, March 19, 2008

spirit of John the Baptist

Father, would you increase the burden of Kingdom in me?

What would John the Baptist do if he lived in the 21st century?

Key messages about John the Baptist:
  1. Filled by the power and the Spirit.
  2. Consecrate.
  3. Pursue holiness.
  4. Simple lifestyle. (Eat locusts & wild honey, wear camel hair)
  5. Preach a simple Kingdom message.
  6. Baptize believers.
  7. Cry out for the coming of the Lord.
  8. Prepare the way. (hmm...What is this?)
  9. "He must increase, but I must decrease".
  10. Imitate his role model, Elijah. (Camel hair and leather belt)
  11. Being bold and courageous in the evil days. (Confront religious leaders and king)

    What else?

    hmm...time to meditate on these.


jasypants said...

ohh. what WOULD he do in the 21st century? i'd like to know that too. *cough john. hahaha hmm. yes. people who are at the brink of midterms are so... it's sort of bad and good. haha bad because they'd believe anything if it was na offer. but the good part is. their desperate faith makes God want to help them see His love and mercy even more. i hope she calls. [: i want to let you guys meet her. shes really nice.

Jeff Kuo said...

wow, so i'm not the only one that have these nightmares. ahaha.

Cheezy said...

Man. I remember at STI they drilled us with John the Baptist. :flip through notes: At Jesus Culture too. They used him as a holy representation of the Burning Man, contradicting the demonic ones that take place in Nevada? From STI though, the only surviving message from all those sermons regarding John the Baptist that I remember is basically, God, set me apart. There are other points scribbled somewhere in the mess of my notebook but thats the message that deeply moved me and stuck in me. Oh. and Be Forerunners. These two. Set ourselves apart and be forerunners...preparing the way. XD. But yea... He's a really cool guy. I think some catholics pray to him. XD Or was it the other John... Does it matter?

Eric said...

imagine a guy wearing camel hair and leather belt walking down Rosemead Blvd. yep, he would be very influential.

[joy B.] doveseye said...

He saw Holy Spirit came and filled upon Jesus^^V

johnny said...

12. He was beheaded....

Simple lifestyle. (Eat locusts & wild honey, wear camel hair)-Yeah you call THAT all-natural organic to the root style dude. I'm in.

johnny said...

Jack, is your message for this coming Easter Sunday be about Nazerites or about something else? Cuz I'm picking song about the cross and salvation and resurrection but I also want to pick songs about preparing the way of the Lord.

Alice in Wonderland said...

...woah, imagine an entire generation of John the Baptists...radical!!!

will i be one of them?

Sarah Wang said...

13. He understood his identity as the Bride of Christ.

"What empowered this powerful prophet (John the Baptist) was the revelation he had of Jesus as the Bridegroom God." (Quote from "The Rewards of Fasting" by Mike Bickle)


Cheezy said...

ugh. could've been the story of Daniel that inspired the 'set us apart' thing... ugh. ... It could work both waays...

Anonymous said...


thanks for laying it out so clearly.

let's go go go!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.