Monday, March 17, 2008

relentless heart

John the Baptist - Repent. Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Camel's hair. Lether belt. Nazirite. Violent take it by force. the spirit and power of Elijah...

Didn't know how to fully deliver the message yesterday. This is how I felt...

"Then Moses said to the LORD, "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."

Father, I had a burden but couldn't deliver it. Holy Spirit, won't You breath life into Your people? So that they will understand Your burden too.


johnny said...

You will know how to preach it, cause I want that messageeeeeee yo. I'll be praying for the Word of God to come swiftly.

jenni huang said...

Amen it's not about what we can do but what He can do. =) You can do it Jack because you rely on Him!

yupyup i'm driving my car down to LA if i decide to move there from Van..which is now about 99.9 chance..haha

just wanna ask you if anything needed to be done before driving my car down.^^

Alice in Wonderland said...

last night on the drive back to school, mommy asked me to share what "Jack talked about today", so I did and after some moments of silence she said, "hm, Jack's a good speaker isn't he?" and I said "yea, he is" and we had another moment of pondering XD

amazingly that led to other topics like the Bible, how the world needs God...etc

I was so excited and surprised at how much mommy's views changed since she started reading the Bible! (we bought her a really pretty chinese devotional Bible last year and she finally started reading it using the LTC Bible study plan!

uh oh...sorry, I used your comment space to share about something totally unrelated...ha...ha...

anywayz God is COOL!

jasypants said...

you did great jack. just keep asking God how to preach it to the fullest. and we'll all be there to hear it. :]

Sarah Wang said...

I don't know about others, but I know a few of us surely felt the heavy burden from the Lord. A few of us were crying out to God tonight (after talking about what you shared on Sunday), wept a lot...

I feel like I'm so not enough to teach the kids... may I steal that Moses verse from you? lol

