Wednesday, March 5, 2008




i am doing it.


Fine...I will post something here.

I prayed for boldness last night at the Prayer Room. I was there by myself thinking there were so many Muslims chanting right next door; and I felt like I was Elijah facing the 400 false prophets. Of course I am exaggerating about the numbers, but nevertheless I felt a need to pray for boldness over Impact leaders. After all, we live in a society that constantly challenges our value and morality. Issues like same sex marriage, abortion, SB777, illegal immigration, war or Osama Bin Laden; don’t you think we need to have an extra strong mind or heart to live in this era? Well…I need extra mercy and boldness from the Holy Spirit.

Increase my boldness, God; so that I can stand firm for you and my generation. I am doing it.


+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...


Bear more fruit of Holy Spirit, pray for you my lovely leader <3

Anonymous said...

u rock.

u are adorable.

u are crazy for Jesus Christ!

johnny said...

thanks for the prayer boss. needed that, and dad's not thinking that I'm insane lolz

Cheezy said...


you have to watch this.

...because its funny.

jasypants said...

thank you so much. i had a vision about boldness last week, or should i saw at the end of the MGM. it was very cool. lol v__v i'm praying for you and annie too.


jasypants said...

should i say* .....oh my.