Friday, November 2, 2007

Gone Fishing

this is the first time Rock caught a fish...and many more afterwards.... good job, Rock!
this is me relaxing...hehe...such a nice day without sun.

I still smell like fish...totally exhausted after 3 hours of sleep last night, 1 hour of driving to Malibu, 5 hours of fishing, 2 hours of driving back due to traffic, and 2 hours of cleaning over 30 fish. I still alive? Thank God for a 4 hours nap after my crazy and exciting day. I woke up around 11: 30pm cuz Rock called me and asked me how the fish are; dude, they are frozen! Thanks for waking me up, yo. I started making some dinner @ 11:40pm; guess what I had, mackerels, the ones we caught today. They are very delicious! yumm... who wants some?


+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...

let's have some for invader tonight!!! awsome i am so want to go with u guys next time, invite me too, i got fish pole!!!! haven't fishing since three years ago.

Alice in Wonderland said...

you are crazy Jack...THIRTY FISHES?!Crazy skills!Maybe you should just be a professional fisherman ;p Let's have a fish BBQ on Saturday!!I LOVE fish!

Anonymous said...

it's amazingly delicious!!!

simply because my hubby caught them!!!

so proud of you~ good job!

jasypants said...

Feesh. Feesh. Feesh. You. Rock. And the feeshes. Looks like dad & son. Aw. How cute. I wanna go fishing. Not that I'm any good or anything, but it seems so relaxing. Like seriously. And if you're close to me, you'd know that I love being relaxing and doing nothing but sit in the fresh air, minding my own business. So if go with you sometime (and other people; take johnny, he's fun to mess with =x) I'll watch with tea in one hand and a thumbs up sign on the other. ^_^ MEHEHEHEHEHE. 30 feeshes. that's some skillz, yo. What'd I tell ya?! Uncles are crazy, mang! xD Good job, you two. More to understand Rock and Jack's relationship. haha, like dad like son. 'Cept the fact that that's just weird. hahah. AHHHHH. I can't go on your site unless you comment me. Isn't that just BLEH?! x_X

jasypants said...

AHHHH NUUUUU. I JUST FOUND SO MANY MISTAKES IN MY LAST COMMENT. Please. I don't type like that. x_X It's 10:40. YES. THAT'S MY EXCUSE. hahahah xD

Alice in Wonderland said...

thank you Jack!! the fishes were ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS!! mom, sarah, amy, and I all LOVED THEM!