Monday, October 22, 2007

a tip for CL

For those CL who want to advance in their cell groups or ministries; here is a tip for you all.
During this week, if you are going to hang out with a new friend or a believer; this is what I suggest you do.

1. Observe and Ask question regarding to his/her life.
2. Pray while listening to his/her problem.
3. Prepare a Bible verse and Must use it in your conversation.
4. Cast a vision into his/her life.
5. Pray with him/her.

If you can do these 5 things during your hang out with a friend or a believer, you will see amazing things God is doing in your life.


+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...


Anonymous said...

yeah~ you wrote them down...

i enjoy being your brainstorm partner! it's quite challenging at times but the results are worthwhile!
