Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am a missionary

I am a missionary to USA from Canada.


I came back home, Canada, this Christmas... and I feel like crying.

I am home now. But I have to go back to my mission field.

I've adopted the American cultures; I bury myself in the American soil, and I will bear much more fruits one day. I believe it. I live for it.

I am a missionary to USA.

Monday, December 28, 2009

panic attack

This is suppose to be my vacation, right?
I guess I am way too relax and got too loosen up; so that I even got a panic attack from this stupid enemy, fear. Grrr... I need to be alert when I am on a "cruise control" mode.

I am used to a "busy" schedule and always in the ministry mode in LA. Beginning of this year, I decided to come back to Canada for my vacation this Christmas; first of all I want to spend time with family and relax, secondly I need to stay away from "busyness" and be quiet before God. Also I give myself an assignment, that is to finish Impact leader's handbook.

I am still not spending enough time with my family and with God. I still have not started working on the leader's handbook.... OMG... that's why I had a panic attack.

No fear! No pressure! Keep fighting the good fights! Never give up!

Leave me, spirit of fear! In Jesus' name!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 2009

I asked for 3 material things from God this year. One by one I received them in order.

1. A blue bicycle.
2. A MacBook Pro
3. A iPhone

Got them all before the end of 2009.

This is how the story goes....

"Seek God's Kingdom first and His righteousness, and ALL shall be added onto you!" - Jesus.

What more should I say?