Wednesday, June 25, 2008

here you go...

Annie prayed for a real estate agent in Hawaii, the agent fell off the stairs and hurt her back/hip bone really bad. She got all better the next day; her friends couldn't believe how fast she is recovering. The third day, she can walk no pain. She couldn't even believe it...that's God! Hallelujah!

Annie is too busy to write it down, so I write it for her...haha...I love you, Annie. You have the favor of the Lord.

Jesus is great!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gone fishing

That's right! I went fishing with George, Jeffrey, Irene and Kay's mom today around 5 pm in Malibu. George finally caught a fish for the first time; surely he was very excited. The craziest thing is Kay's mom caught a sea bass with her not so pleasing in the eyes fishing rod. As for me, I caught a small shark and a crab; although I was excited about the catch, I didn't want to keep any of them cuz they are way too small as my dinner. are the some photos.

Keep the fish, let go of the shark. That's spiritual talking there! Got that? hmm...that's deep.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Day in Irvine

Woke up before 8 am, thinking about what's gonna happen today as our team goes down to Irvine New Life Bread of Life Church. I am not quite sure what to do or say; I did prepare few days ago but still not sure if that would be the message for Irvine.
Anyway, we arranged to travel down to Irvine in no time on a 96 degree hot Sunday morning. As we got there, we set up the booth with our "Can I pray for you?" t-shirts; which I thought probably few people would be interested of buying today.
Annie, Jennifer, Shinny, Eric and myself began to walk to the sanctuary as Priscilla stationed at the booth; it was a beautiful worship although I didn't feel anything in particular during the praise/worship. I just felt the desire/eager to shout to Him at the top of my lungs. After some introduction from pastor Andrew, Annie and I walked up and began to share about our ministry and the movement "Can I pray for you?" we are determined to create. We played Joy and Jennifer's videos which Johnny made prior to his departure; the videos were very well received.

Good job, Johnny!!

I then preached a little, after that I "summoned" Eric, Shinny and Jennifer to share with the congregation about what they encountered. They were so genuine and passionate. God has put so much zeal in these people's hearts; I am deeply thankful. Praise You, Jesus for all Impact young dudes and gals.

After the preaching and praying, pastor Andrew asked if anyone needed prayer, just come forth. We began to see many adults, papa and mama started to come to the altar; they were so hungry and thirsty for His presence. This is what God is looking for, brokenness and hunger. I personally prayed for over 10 people, young and old; one by one, God just put precise word of knowledge in my mouth. I asked myself, how in the world would I know these people's mind and situation? God is the voice and I am only a channel; I just released what I received. People began to weep; I am talking about mid-aged Chinese men and women. This is happening! I asked all of them if the messages are speaking to them; all they could say is "that's what I have been praying about..." then wept.
God is so real; all we need to do is love Him and trust in Him. Holy Spirit will lead the way to Jesus, our Lord. Just obey.

At the end, we sold all 70 some "Can I pray for you?" T-shirts in one hour. Thank God that we didn't have to bring any T-shirts back. How about that?

God is great!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

China's Underground Churches #4

China's Underground Churches #2

China's Underground Churches #3

China's Underground Churches #1

Christian Martyrs in Turkey

My spirutual dose for today...Jesus Freaks, I salute you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The violent take it by force...

There are many things in life we care so much of, yet at the end they turn out to be stress and sorrow.
The poet, Moses, in the Bible says, " All our days pass away under Your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away." (Psalms 90:9-10)
It's so true. The older you get, the more you realize that this world is not so much of a reality; because there is another dimension that is much more real than this world that we live in now.
We call this world - reality, because we can touch, feel, see, smell and hear; is that it? What about things you can't feel and see and hear etc? What do you call it? Don't call it unreal; cuz that makes you sound stupid.

I love how Matrix the movie describes it. Once you take the red pill, you would know what the Matrix is. Neo accepts by swallowing an offered red pill, and abruptly wakes up naked in a red liquid-filled pod, his body connected by wires to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods. Neo realizes that the world he is familiar with since birth is no long the world he knows; the Matrix, an illusory simulated reality constructed of the world of 1999, developed by the machines to keep the human population docile.

I mean, this is exactly what Jesus said, "you are in the world, but not of the world..." Paul the apostle also said in Ephesians 2 that we are made alive in Christ as we were dead in our transgressions and sins.

Some people have taken the red pills but regreted like Cypher in the movie Matrix, and we all know about his ending; some just have to move on and save the world just ike what Neo, Morpheus or Trinity does in the movie. There is no turning back whether you like it or not. There is no grey area; no compromise in the Kingdom. Live in the world of "Matrix" and die eternally; or wake up and fight till Jesus comes back again.

"The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bill Johnson - Heaven invades Earth

Here is a supernatural dose for you today!
Just take a hit, guys!

Enjoy the heaven on earth!

remember the good old days

"i once was lost but now i am found, was blind but now i see" everyone knows how to sing this song, Amazing Grace...this is my favorite song. i remember singing it for the first time; i didn't understand much of it, after all these years more i sing it more i realize how much grace He has for me. birthday was fun. it got me to think about lots of stuff. am i fulfilling the calling i first received from the Lord? i am excited about the years to come; at a point, i am kindda excited to do more crazy things for God, myself, my family and my ministry. how about that?

this is in my heart...
1. middle know what i mean, jack...**
2. school for know that, right...gerr...
3. stronger the better...hehe...i like
4. mama miya...oh ya...that's right...bring it on.
5. stuff

need to go out now...time to pray

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

happy birthday to you, annie

i love you, annie...
my wife just did something funny in front of me...happy birthday, baby you rock!
you are very cute and funny yo....

i wasted half of my day trying to install this CS3 to my computer; as you can see, my stupid computer can't seem to work that's why i wasted a half of my day...i need a brand new computer, God!!!

happy birthday, are 20 something now, eh?

Monday, June 2, 2008


how many time should i say nvm to myself?
i am sick and tired of wasting my own time on the wrong people...i am called to do this kind of work for You? God...You are kindding me...please don't bother to leave any comments, all you readers...i am just venting...ha.
i don't want to waste my time for non-sense anymore...i am leaving this place if i can't see anything You promise of doing. i need more patience... what da..~!#$%^*(?>@@

learn from mistakes...Jack...pick wisely...hmm...this reminds me of Indiana Jones who picks the correct holy grail in the movie, the last crusade. pick wisely...young Indy-Jack.

oh monday...btw, Lord Jesus...did i mention that i don't waste my time? alright