Friday, May 30, 2008

Made alive in Christ

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)

I struggled with myself lately. What do You want from me again? I face self-doubt, the fear of uncertainty and lack of faith. Who/what did I turn to? For a moment, I didn't turn to You; I was anxious and I couldn't sleep that night, I couldn't breath for a minute when I was laying down. I couldn't catch my breath, I thought I was going to die...and I know it was my time to die.
You knew that I was gonna fail and trip...yet You allowed me to fall, I hated it. I hate to be distant from You. I was under the influence of anxiety and lack of faith. Forgive me for not trusting in You. I am sorry...Lord.

I am always Your workmanship, Lord.

Bring me one high school or middle school kid from each schools in San Gabirel Valley; I will make them disciples that change the world. That's my prayer and conviction for today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Some people think that when you don't receive any income or financial support from anyone or any church, you are living "by faith". But I think - we all live by faith, don't we? God calls us to live by faith whether we receive a regular paycheck or not; God never says if you have a regular paycheck, you don't need Him. Through faith we are saved. Through faith we are called righteous. Through faith we receive the gifts of God. Through faith we inherit His Kingdom.

If the Kingdom is full of God's treasure and blessing, faith is the key to His Kingdom.

Faith moves Heaven, so that Heaven will move earth.

Eveyday I know that either I am walking in faith or without faith. My only prayer for Annie and I is the "favor of the Lord" falls on us wherever we go; if we walk in faith, we live each day without worrying. I say, Lord You are good and Your mercy endures forever.

Hallelujah! Let Your Glory Fall!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I want to ride an animal in Heaven too!

I just read this book, Visions beyond the Veil by H.A. Baker. If you can read it online click the link above, or you can purchase it online.
H.A. Baker was the grandfather of Roland Baker. Roland and his wife Heidi Baker serve the Lord in Africa, N. America and many countries.

The book is full of heavenly encounter back in the early 1920's in the Yunnan Province of China.

Children were riding animals in Heaven back in the 1920's too!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some good words

The Word without the Spirit, you dry up.

The Spirit without the Word, you blow up.

The Spirit and the Word, you grow up.

Good words for you today.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sarah Wang on Ustream TV

Sarah is on TV @ 02:16:06 Just fast forward it and you will see our crazy Sarah!

Free Videos by Ustream.TV

when Annie is not home...

Ok...This gotta be a long story now.

Florida revival...yes, we went. Me, Johnny, Eric, crazy Sarah and Bao Zi went over there just to "get some". Go check out their blogs; I am lazy to write more. I wasn't expecting too much but at the same time I was hoping to receive something. Honestly, I was not sick or needing any healing miracle in my body; I only wanted to "check it out" and hopefully "get some". Free tickets anyway. I hesitated first because we don't have much money left; I could probably spend only some of our savings when I go there. But I chose to go because I was encouraged by those 4 crazy people. At the end, we really "got some". I never felt/encountered the same "touch" of the Holy Spirit before; it was "electricity" all over my belly, to a point it hurt (in a good way). I came back feeling "ouch" in my's like..."wow..." Just like that!

On Sunday Steven got healed after we prayed for him. Nice, eh?
Before Sunday His right arm got healed when touching the monitor screen during the Live broadcast of Florida Revival, then on Sunday his left arm got healed after we prayed for him. That was fun and "ouch" again in my belly; feeling like giving birth (like I know what it feels like). hmm...

On Monday I drove to Sacramento. Why? Sunday afternoon, Ryan and Sam's parents brought them over to church and I bumped into them outside of church knowing that they got baptised, I went and congratulated them. Teresa (Ryan/Sam's Mom) told me about this Korean grandma who prophesies with much accuracy is visiting her daughter in Sacramento. Before I went to Florida, I talked with Pastor Rebbecca (Teresa's older sister) and decided to visit them after coming back from Florida. Pastor Rebbecca wanted me to meet up with the Korean grandma as well as the pastors who ordained Pastor Rebbecca.

I desperately need God's answer and direction this time for the ministry and my future.

Monday I arrived. Had a great time chatting with Ryan/Sam's grandma. She is so funny and adorable. Tuesday I met up with Pastor Cindy, she is so inspiring and cheerful; she shared with me about the 5 fold ministry and how to activate them in God's people. She believes that we are walking in the right path. Hallelujah!

In the evening I went to a home group full of "older" people and Pastor John, Pastor Cindy's husband, was sharing. Before their dinner time, Pastor Rebbecca asked me to stay for another day to share with them during the Thursday morning prayer meeting. They told me that they will bring many sick people and cancer people to the meeting; so I better get ready to pray for them. I reluctantly agreed. After Pastor John's sharing, they brought a lady who couldn't move her shoulder to me; I gave thanks to the Lord and prayed for her, She got healed right away, no more pain! Hallelujah!

On Wednesday morning 10 am, it's time to meet up with this Korean grandma. She has been praying for me after I decided to go to Sacramento last week. I wasn't nervous but I was waiting for some directions.
My Hallelujah Obasan (grandma), that's what I call her now, is such a humble lady; she is probably 4'8", a skinny 78 years old Korean woman with much experiences, suffering/victory and history written all over her face. I hope to write down more of her stories in the future. She is simply a God's general.
We all sat down. She started telling us that she received gold dust this morning before praying for me; it's her second time receiving gold dust. She feels that it's God's anointing on me; and she thinks that I am like someone important or something, that's why God gave her gold dust. So I laughed.
She didn't want to pray for me because in Korean Christian tradition, a pastor is like a representative of God Himself; she wants to respect God's servant, she is willing pray for me only if I bless her first. This lady has so much anointing on her...OMG, and she wants me to pray for her first?! She insisted, so I prayed for her. She started prophesying after I blessed her. And these are the key words.

1. Be Bold. Like Joshua.
2. Thanksgiving Offering.
3. You are an Overcomer.
4. Build up a generation of missionary.
5. You have so much passion and love for Jesus.
6. You will face big challenges because the glory is big.
7. God has special assignments for you.
8. Stay in His path, don't fall to the left or to the right.
9. You have much of His anointing, you must realize it.
10. God will bring people of all ages to your church that will impact cities/nations.
11. Shout Hallelujah in the time of hardship and trouble.
12. God will provide you and the church financially.

We had Korean BBQ for lunch with Pastor Rebbecca, Ruth (Obasan's daughter) and my Hallelujah Obasan. I left without receiving my answers. Talked with Annie in the evening, still not sure if God wants me to become a full time pastor or go back to marketplace; but my lovely wife is so supportive and lovely, she encouraged me over the phone anyway.

On Thursday morning, I was told that Ruth and my Hallelujah Obasan were going to come to the prayer meeting; I was happy to see them. In the car, Ruth told me that Obasan said to her that I should not think too much about the right or the left; I should stay in His path. When I heard that, I was in shock because that was my prayer with Annie the night before. Should I become a full time pastor or marketplace minister? We didn't finish our conversation before we arrived.
About 10 people showed up in the prayer meeting, no one was leading the worship; so I did. We were singing "There is nothing impossible in Thee..." I was singing so loud and tears just rolled down; I just love Jesus, for He is able. We sang in spirit for a while after that song. All the sudden, I heard "arthritis" will be healed. OK, let's step out by faith. 3 ladies with arthritis!!! I prayed for each one of them and asked them to do things they couldn't do before; OMG! they got healed! My Obasan saw that vision of 3 arthritis got healed a night before. One lady in the back yelled her back pain is gone too! Our faith was totally boosted up!

Now they bring me a lung cancer patient............
I didn't know what I was thinking at that time....gerr...just pray and believe that He is good. I prayed for the lung cancer patient, she was touched by the Holy Spirit and fell in His presence. Then I preached for about 30 minutes. After that, everyone of them wanted me to pray for them. There I stood, one by one, all "word of knowledge". First one came, word of knowledge for her children; she started bawling. I forgot what I said anyway... :) One after another, either they were on the floor or crying.
This one is interesting, a lady came to me telling me about a bunch of her problems; I didn't pray for her issues, I simply asked her "did you get baptized in the Holy Spirit?" She says, "Yes." Then I asked "did you speak in tongue?" She says "Yes". I asked again, "do you speak in tongue nowadays?" She says "No". Before I finished saying, God wants you to speak in tongue. She went "ballistic" in the Spirit! OMG, what did I do? She was shaking, laughing, crying, getting drunk in the Spirit and speaking in tongue so loud you could hear her two blocks away. When I said, "More, Holy Spirit." She got even louder uncontrollably. Wow...! I didn't do it!

Right after, the lung cancer patient wanted to be prayed for; her first time got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongue. She spoke in tongue so loud too!!!
The whole room was filled with God's presence and a holy "chaos". It was so much fun!

Afterward Ruth, my Obasan and myself continued to chat about what they told me earlier in the car. My Obasan said, "I don't understand why a guy like you with this anointing would even think about going back to the marketplace?", "God has already selected you. Don't fall to the left nor to the right, you should stand firm and walk in His path." I think I have the answer.

She says, as long as I live I will pray for you, Jack. I then asked her to be my spiritual mother; we hugged. Therefore, I have my own "hardcore" Korean Hallelujah Obasan praying for me from now on. :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Grandmother witnesses to man trying to rob her about that! Jesus is with me all the time!