Thursday, April 24, 2008


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Project Wildfire

Project Wildfire - "Can I Pray for you?" A movement of prayer, healing and prophetic ministry!

Totally ready for that!

Last weekend was a holy chaos when people stepped out to pray and prophesy in the public. Well...the Bible says, the Signs and Wonders will follow us when we GO preach the Kingdom of God. I think it's time for ALL Christians to take God's word seriously.

What about giving $5000, $2000 and $1000 to people and ask them to invest? See if they come back with double portion? See if they are faithful and diligent? Would any church do that? hmmm...

Onething was cool. Got to know Merchant Band, Dwayne Roberts, Justin Rizzo and others.

Sunday service was such an act of boldness for Impact as a church. Our faith grows when we are out there. We divided into 7 teams, Arcadia High, Alhambra High, Temple City High, Gaberlino High, Arcadia Library, Alhambra Library and Arcadia park.

Arcadia High - Alice/Jasmine.

Alhambra High - Jennifer.

Temple City High - Jack.

Gaberlino High - Eric.

Arcadia Library - Johnny.

Alhambra Library - Joy.

Arcadia Park - Sarah.

I need all of you to write down what you and your team did and submit it back to me. Thanks!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A week full of His presence

Only thing that matters to me is His presence. I can not live with the presence of the Lord; I think about Him, my heart just melts. Lord, would you keep tenderizing my heart; so that I can love You back with my weak love.
And You say to me, "You've ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes." Who am I that You've loved me so dearly?
Tears fall as I type these words above...

Lord, You are so beautiful than diamonds.
Lord, You are so costly than gold.
Lord, You are so precious than silver.
And nothing I desire compares with You.

Be right back with more of His presence.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


1 In & Out cheeseburger = $2
2 In & Out cheeseburgers = $4
Win 2 souls with 2 cheeseburgers = Priceless.

Good job, Joy, Jennifer and Eric. Your City Invasion pays off.

Kevin (Chris' brother) whose spine was hurting but through Joy, Jennifer and Eric's prayer last Friday, he now can run without hurting.
Don't you just love that!

another pastoral meeting...

ya...another Bread of Life church pastoral meeting in So. California yesterday. It took me 45 min to drive down to Irvine to meet up with the rest of the pastors from So. Cali including senior pastor Tong from our mother church in San Jose. was an interesting gathering. Food was great and pastor Tong's sharing was exactly what we are going through; he believes that new things, new revelation, new faith, new leadership, etc is what God has been doing around the world. And we need to catch what God is doing.
All church leaders shared about what's happening lately in their churches.
I really respect and honor these pastors; they have fought the war for a long time, they've been standing at their posts for the Lord with perseverance and patience. Although one pastor, pastor Timothy, is resigning from his church, he still will continue to minister to other churches through his teaching. He has been faithfully pastoring that church for 5 years; that's all what God cares about, I believe. It's our faithfulness and goodness. It's His church! Maybe some of us are not the "right" material to grow a BIG church; but as long as we are faithful, God is pleased. Pastor Andrew Chen is taking a 2 months leave, he and his leadership team decided to let him take a short term break; I am not gonna disclose why they do it but they really love their pastor, I believe.
Almost all the senior pastors agree that the senior pastors are the one stopping their congregation from growing. Isn't that ironic? They say, when the senior pastor is absent, the congregation will be forced to raise up to serve and to take leadership; through that, the congregation will rely on God more and become mature. Maybe, maybe not. But I don't want to be the one who stops people from growing, period.

Time to go city back.

Monday, April 14, 2008

is that enough?

I find it boring to preach or teach on Sundays sometimes...I just want to live out the Word of God; sometimes I get really tired and frustrated teaching people who don't seem to get it. Jesus spent 3 1/2 years with these 12; yet they still didn't get it. I am not Jesus, I lose my patience. Is it really hard to reach out and do it? Gosh...I am not a talker; I am a doer. I get sick when I talk too much...
Just go out there and disciple someone! Bring one person to Christ at the time. Why is it so hard to bring people to Christ? Why are we still only hanging out with the same crowd as we did 2 years ago? Is it enough? Jesus didn't feel like that He was wasting time on the 12 although they were bunch of losers...haha...I feel like a loser; Jesus wouldn't agree so. Guess people still struggle with sin and stupidity.

Maybe one day, I should just miss church and see who is gonna take charge.

Nothing I wanted to say during today's service...I should've sent them out instead...boring if we don't go out.

the new kid said to me today after service..."Is this it? Is this what you do on Sundays? Cool."

I asked myself the same question with a different attitude..."Is that it? Is this enough?"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

who cares?

I've been thinking about what Bob Hartley said to me...especially when he said about I need to help a brother to come back to the Lord. With tears everytime when I remember this part of his prophesy.

I don't know about God's timing on you, bro; but I surely hope that you know I care about you. I know that you've made some stupid mistakes, which probably got you nowhere now; but don't give up on yourself, don't give up on the calling that God has placed inside of you, bro. So what if others look at you with doubts, so what if others look down on what you did, so what if people talk behind your what? You are a man of God. In you, there is a cry out for more of His glory.
Who cares about church-ianity? Who cares about your history? Who cares about all these stupid religious legalism?
I love you, bro. Just come back and stand at your post once again.
whatever happened to you can never put an end to your calling in Christ. Maybe you think you've failed many; but don't you think our failures can magnify God's mercy and grace. What about "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
I could understand that you didn't want to pick up my calls; honestly I've been wanting to call you for a long time. Just listen to your own heart, bro; He will whisper to you with His love when you listen. I don't know what I could do to build up your faith except praying for you, bro.

I love you, man. I've always been proud of you since the day I met you.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Fascinate and Focus

I woke up at 3:30am today to take Mark and Debbie to the airport. For the past few days, I've had different impressions or voices telling me different things, which I will share more later. This morning at 3:30am, I am not sure if I was awake or still sleeping because I only laid down for 3 hours, I heard a voice saying to me "I'll give you two "F" words - Fascinate and Focus." Ok...I've been hearing these two words for the past few days, what's special about that? But I've realized that God wants me to keep being fascinated by Him and focus on Him from now on.
And here are the stories of what happened this past weekend.

Friday, April 4
I woke up thinking about that woman with 12 years of blood disease in the Bible; I want to touch Jesus just like her. I want Jesus to say to me "Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me."
Did I enjoy putting together a joint conference? hmm...My prayer was ALL young people get to encounter Jesus, no matter which church they are from. God saw it all; He is faithful till the end. Good worship by RJ. Nice introduction sharing and reminder of God's love by Mark; personally I was very touched when Mark Hendrickson talked about walking to Him not away from Him, because just few days ago, I felt that I was walking away from Him although I don't notice that. Of course tears were streaming down as I felt His love; it was a good reminder for me.

Saturday, April 5
I was supposed to teach at an art school on Sat. morning, but I decided to come to the meeting. I was a little sad that no young people from other churches showed up, but only Impact kids. Why God? As we walked in and settled down, Tina began to read the verses; but to me I just wanted to cry out to God for the young people. The worship was awesome! At Impact, we never did something like this before; over one hour of free worship and singing in the spirit, we could only do it for 20-30 minutes sometimes. But this morning God just took over and everyone was engaged worshipping God so freely. Sarah led the worship along with Johnny and Annie; they began to sing in the spirit, there were many good lines flowing in the melody and the lyrics touched me deeply. "It is God. He is here." I felt it so strongly in my heart. I knelt down and began to weep, not because of the young people anymore but because of His love and strong presence. Tears were coming down non-stop; I love it when God messes me up. I kept asking for more of His love and His mercy; all the sudden I saw a picture of Jesus playing the baby blocks with me. In the vision, I was a baby sitting by Jesus. He picks up a baby block and shows me how to stack it on top of another; He is teaching me how to lay down the blocks. There were many of the blocks but only a few of them were stacked on top of one another.
After that, in another vision, I saw a beautiful shinny sword decorated with a large red gemstone or a ruby along with many other gems or some sort. I asked God what it is for; but He says "Pick it up and use it", instantly I received a word - authority. I felt that I needed to open my eyes looking to my left; all the sudden I saw two angels standing right against the wall waiting. I immediately closed my eyes and the sword came back to me again. Then a voice says, use the sword to command the angels to minister to these young people. So I hesitantly pulled the sword out and said, "In Jesus' name, I..gerr...command you to minister to these people here" With much faith I said it again and again, immediately some people came foward and knelt down crying before God. Later I realized that the angels were waiting for the command to minister to God's people as Mark Hendrickson shared a similar story of what happened to their friend. There is the confirmation.
Many were touched by God this morning. I was overwhelmed with His presence. But here is the coolest thing, about the end of evening session at the same spot where the angels appeared, Jennifer found feathers which were not there earlier. That strengthens our faith in God once again with another confirmation! What a day of encounter, eh?

Sunday, April 6
"Where is my gemstone?"
Awesome worship @ Impact! Love the Fire Tunnel. First time @ Triumphant on Sunday. Share more later... (to be continued...)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Prophetic Insight from Robert Hartley

This is only a part of the letter but it touches me the most.

FACT #3: All of Life is a Test of How We Respond to His Value and His Will.
It was clear to me through the intensity of the encounter, and the thoughts emanating from the angelic criers that all of life is a test of our response to Him – will we look at our desires and our circumstances versus Him and His will. He was beyond fear; He was the fact. And this life was just the shortest test. These angels said that currently, in our response to our issues, we had lost the value of Him and placed more value on our circumstances and our own will. These angels were “seemingly surprised” by how humans were tripping in a level place, because in reality the tests of this life weren’t that difficult to them. But, people had magnified their problems and fears, thus confining themselves to prisons of their own making. They had done it to themselves. This was the fact that emanated from the presence of God that He would leave them in their prisons until they responded to Him. It was their choice.These “Angelic hosts” were saying the only place of clarity of priorities came from looking into His face. All of man’s priorities were distorted away from Him when they did not look into His face and His nature. It was time to take our eyes off ourselves and set on our eyes upon His glory. Only then, can we pass the tests. I then saw three groups of people; the elderly, ministers, and marketplace people. In each arena, there were tests that gave people the opportunity to respond to the value of His supreme beauty. If they sought correctly, they would pass the tests of priority and prostrate themselves before God to gain true wisdom. The question now became whether or not these leaders would choose to bow low in the presence of the Lord.