Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stir up the flame, by The Merchand Band

When I heard this song for the first time sung by Misty, my hair stood up and I wanted to cry before the Lord. Same feeling I had when I heard "Hosaan" by Hillsong. Wow...what a powerful song! I like Misty's version but here is the orignial.

Btw, I left my work this week; to be precise, I got let-go because of conflict and different expectations. I was so happy! I prayed to come out with a better excuse to leave that job; I had a difficult time working there although the pay was pretty good. But I was not happy. :(

Anyway...long story, but I need to run now...Stir up the flame!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Encountering Jesus

Martha, Mary and Lazarus all encountered Jesus.

To summarize yesterday's sermon...
Martha - before encountering Jesus, she was serving and complaining. After encountering, she still serves but now she has a new and better attitude.

Mary - before encountering Jesus, she was hungry of what Jesus said. After encountering, she is willing to pour out her all (expensive nard) and break any tradition by unbinding her hair to wipe Jesus' feet. Her worship has become a God-centered and a selfless worship through the act of her devotion and love to Jesus.

Lazarus - before encountering Jesus, he was dead. After encountering, he is alive.

What's better than encountering Jesus in life, eh?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

spirit of John the Baptist

Father, would you increase the burden of Kingdom in me?

What would John the Baptist do if he lived in the 21st century?

Key messages about John the Baptist:
  1. Filled by the power and the Spirit.
  2. Consecrate.
  3. Pursue holiness.
  4. Simple lifestyle. (Eat locusts & wild honey, wear camel hair)
  5. Preach a simple Kingdom message.
  6. Baptize believers.
  7. Cry out for the coming of the Lord.
  8. Prepare the way. (hmm...What is this?)
  9. "He must increase, but I must decrease".
  10. Imitate his role model, Elijah. (Camel hair and leather belt)
  11. Being bold and courageous in the evil days. (Confront religious leaders and king)

    What else?

    hmm...time to meditate on these.

Monday, March 17, 2008

relentless heart

John the Baptist - Repent. Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Camel's hair. Lether belt. Nazirite. Violent take it by force. the spirit and power of Elijah...

Didn't know how to fully deliver the message yesterday. This is how I felt...

"Then Moses said to the LORD, "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."

Father, I had a burden but couldn't deliver it. Holy Spirit, won't You breath life into Your people? So that they will understand Your burden too.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A man called Norman

hey guys, if you don't listen to this broadcast, you are missing out! I am gonna bombard you with the love of Christ if you don't. Really wonderful testimony and funny too!

Click NOW!

Part 1

Part 2

We all need to find a man called Norman to change our life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

get into the "prophetic" realm...interesting video


Wow...Thank you all for the previous encouraging comments and love.

Well...the thing is, you can call me pastor/leader to describe my position to your friends/family. But I rather you all just call me Jack.

The day Impact Harvest Church started, I have "officially" become the pastor/leader in the eyes of our mother church; now the ordination that was brought up by Rev. LT to "officially" ordain me as a Reverend is because he thinks that I need to be recognized by the other church leaders.

That way, they might not ask us to "merge" with their churches; the treatment we receive would be different. Impact has not been treated as a "church" because we are a bunch of young ppl without an "official" Reverend.
In ordination, other church Reverends will need to attend and "officially" lay hands on me then proclaim and acknowledge my position and role. Besides, only the ordained (means certified) Reverend can perform marriage; who wants me to perform their marriage?

Ephesians 4:11-12
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."

In the church, there are spiritual leaders whose job is to equip us for ministry. That's also my job. If calling me pastor makes you feel more involved in the ministry, then call me pastor. If not, just call me Jack.

Ordination will be performed in the near future as Impact grows stronger.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ordination or not?

After talking with pastor LT last week, he is pretty supportive to Impact. No one would think that we could make it financially as a youth church. People thought that we couldn't possibly find the money to support the ministry anyway, but after all we experienced that our God is truly the provider. Remember, our first Sunday meeting there were less than 20 young kids at the art studio. Our tithe is still low but our faith is high in Jesus; as long as there is another soul being saved through our ministry, money will come.

Time to ordain me as a Reverend/pastor? No idea why when it was brought up by pastor LT. Guess it sounds good to have a title. Nah...just keep doing what God puts in me. Perhaps I would print out a huge board with the word Reverend on the it and walk around feeling important...or not! >.< Well...when the time comes, I will need the title; and now it is not.

Lord, help us to grow in humility and boldness. Empower each one of us with Your Spirit, Father God. Amen.

Take it by force

Matthew 11:12

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force."

Kingdom is taken by force. Not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord.

What kind of Christians should we be again?

Love is violent! Cross is violent!

Wow...did you get that?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday morning

God always does something out of our expectation. Great, isn't it?
So glad to hear good testimonies on boldness. God surely loves what we ask of Him. We want courage. We want boldness. We want the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Ok. Monday morning... I am having a stomach ache, meaning I went to restroom for more than 2 times in one hour. don't wanna know what happened. I guess after a long night sleep (9 hours), I had a couple of weird dreams; anyway my stomach was pretty empty by dawn. That means I need to recycle my waste....TMI. :)

oh well...I think about becoming a farmer who sows the seeds and harvest the crop in seasons.'s Monday morning.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Homeschooling is illegal now in CA?!

This is an outrageous decision from the Supreme Court of California. They decided to ban homeschooling in the State of California, soon perhaps in the rest of the USA. This could mean all those 200,000 California homeschooling kids would be forced to go back to public school; if not, the parents would face persecution even being put in jails.

For more details, here is a link to broadcasting.

Guess…this is time for us to knee down and cry out for God’s mercy. Revival comes in persecution, eh?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I blog today!

thank God for blogs...



played badminton last night with E. Got to know some ppl and shared Jesus. Fun :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008




i am doing it.


Fine...I will post something here.

I prayed for boldness last night at the Prayer Room. I was there by myself thinking there were so many Muslims chanting right next door; and I felt like I was Elijah facing the 400 false prophets. Of course I am exaggerating about the numbers, but nevertheless I felt a need to pray for boldness over Impact leaders. After all, we live in a society that constantly challenges our value and morality. Issues like same sex marriage, abortion, SB777, illegal immigration, war or Osama Bin Laden; don’t you think we need to have an extra strong mind or heart to live in this era? Well…I need extra mercy and boldness from the Holy Spirit.

Increase my boldness, God; so that I can stand firm for you and my generation. I am doing it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


