Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Prophetic words from Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs and others.

While this is a prophecy for the year 2008, it is difficult at times to put a prophetic word in a certain chronological time structure as the lives of individuals and the choices they make can also have an effect on the timing of what God has shown to us. Some of these prophecies are more appropriately given for the "next season" of our lives rather than simply a one-year timeframe.
2008: The Year to Possess the Gates
"...blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall 'possess the gate of their enemies.'" Genesis 22:17
"The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the LORD at their head." Micah 2:13
This year the Holy Spirit keyed off of the number "8" to us. The number 8 represents new beginnings. God wants us to go through new doors (or gates) to go to a new level in everything we do. The Lord cautioned us that while many want to experience the new wine (i.e., new moves of God), there are some who want to "wear their old robes," or that which is comfortable to them, into this new season of time. This will not work. It is critical that we all are willing to give up old practices, structures, and the influence of relationships that tie us to the old if they refuse to allow us to move into the new things.
As we met as prophets, this was probably one of the most fertile times that we have had in the release of not only the word of the Lord, but spiritual instruction on how to get into the "new things" and "new gates." This includes the shutting of old gates and doors, seeking the Lord for how to move into the new in a proper way, and asking God for wisdom for the move.
Biblical Patterns for the Number 8
Here are some significant aspects we were shown about the number eight for this year from some Biblical patterns:
1. David was the eighth son--new DYNASTY for Israel. (This includes the word ''legacy'' as a key word.)
2. Circumcision takes place on the eighth day--new life through covenant. A new holiness movement that will require personal circumcision or the cutting away of sin issues in our lives, and then the Church will see a national move of holiness.
3. Eight souls on the ark--new beginning of the earth, new revelation of God's judgment and His grace.
4. Eighth note on the piano begins a new octave. Look to God for the release of new sounds and songs.
5. Seven colors in rainbow spectrum--eighth color begins new spectrum.
6. Eighth day is the beginning of a new week.
7. Josiah began his reign at age 8 bringing a new reign in the midst of idolatrous predecessors. He began to seek the Lord for himself in the eighty years of his reign, which later resulted in his purging Israel of the altars of Baal. Look to a new reformation generation arising who will purge their lands of sin and bring Biblical reformation. Solomon also began to purge the idols from Israel in the eighth year of his reign.
8. Jesus appeared to Thomas, the doubter, on the eighth day after his resurrection. Many doubters will convert and be visited by God in special and unique ways.
The Number 8 In "New Beginnings"
Genesis is the book of beginnings in Scripture. Here is a prophetic emphasis from it for us today:
1. The anointing to create
Creative and innovative ideas. God is going to release upon His people many ideas that will lead them to prosper in spirit, soul and mind. This creativity will also help us to "work smarter, not harder." The curse of toiling under heavy burdens with huge moments of frustration has caused delay and exhaustion. Seek the Lord for new ways to do things that will release the finances you need and streamline your life without working to simply get by on a day-to-day basis.
2. The anointing for dominion
This is the anointing needed to fulfill the Biblical mandate found in Genesis 1:28 to "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion." Seek the Lord for a way to be fruitful in evangelism and fill your cities with the doctrine of Christ (Acts 5:28). New evangelism outreaches will fill our cities along with visitations of God upon young revivalists. Young people will study the lives of Leonard Ravenhill and E.M. Bounds once again--with the fire for winning souls burning in their hearts.
Each sector of society will begin to be touched by the power of God in new fresh ways from government, education, the medical fields, media, the arts and other areas. No longer will the Church bemoan what is going on around them in society but ask themselves the question, "What are we going to do about it?" and "What is my assignment in seeing this happen?"
3. The anointing for creative miracles
The frequency of the miraculous will increase; particularly--unusual creative miracles. In this season, we will see not only churches filled with miracles, but whole cities. "Cancer-free zones" will be the medical talk of the day as some churches and cities have such frequency of seeing cancer healed that it catches the attention of many including the secular news.
The Transfer of Wealth
While many have believed there is going to be a great transfer of wealth, there is a frustration on some that have "believed but not yet seen." In seeking the Lord about this, one revelation came that there has been a demonic "spirit of delay" sent against the Body of Christ; particularly to those in the marketplace. ''Chronos'' under Strong's definition #5550 also can mean "delay."
Therefore, it important to understand that while God means to release the wealth, satan is releasing His strategies to keep the wealth "locked" that we are working to "unlock." God wants to open locked gates in '08. In order to possess the gate of wealth to, among other things, develop plans to eradicate systemic poverty, we need to develop new structures of intercession to do the spiritual warfare necessary to transfer wealth.
Among other things, here are some forms that need to take place:
1. New prayer movements with a focus on marketplace intercession.
2. More businesses hiring intercessors to pray for their workplace.
3. Focused intercession and training for specific targeted sectors of wealth and business. Intercessors need to be trained to understand business so that they can pray intelligently.
New and Greater Emphasis on Intercession
God is going to pour out new wine upon the intercessors and new prayer structures across the face of the earth. Many 24/7 prayer movements will spring up in university campuses. Christians will ask for prayer rooms in their places of employment. It is time for us to "come out of the closet" and let our prayers and voices be heard in society. Teachings that were done in the 80's and 90's on prayer and intercession need to be revisited with a new eye and taught to the Church.
Cyrus Anointing
God is going to anoint in a profound way some of His children with a Cyrus anointing to fulfill Psalm 107:16, "For He has broken 'the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron in two.'"
Spiritual Eldership
God is anointing leaders who will run for political office, become the presidents of corporations and principals of schools, and others who will sit in the gates of influence in society like Boaz did in Biblical times.
Open the Floodgates
"'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,' says the LORD almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'" Malachi 3:10
It is time to possess the floodgates that will open the doors of favor and influence and finance. As long as we are obeying the mandate to tithe, God is going to flood us in several areas that will help us open these doors. Ask the Lord how to incorporate the word of the Lord for '08 to open your personal floodgates of blessing and influence.
Key Words for You--Full Circle in '08
Revelation: God wants to pour out new revelation on how you are to function in this season of your life. Be flexible in your life at this moment for God's changes and adjustments to occur in your schedule and way of doing things.
Wisdom: God will give you wisdom not of this world, but of His Heavenly wisdom if you seek Him with all of your heart for it. He will give wisdom for the shift, for new ways for new assignments, and how to apply the revelation to go to new levels in your life.
This is a season for things to come "full circle" in our lives. Things left unfinished in your life will be finished. Relationships that were broken will be restored. Broken dreams will be healed and come to life again. It is time to dream again! Go back and revisit the prophetic words that God gave you in the last season and past years that were not fulfilled, and refuse to let go of them until you see them go into fruition. War over the words and believe them (read I Timothy 1:18, 2 Chronicles 20:20).
President and Upcoming Elections
God spoke to us specifically that we had fallen down in our intercession for President Bush, and God wants us to pray that he will finish as the "Burning Bush," which God showed us was his destiny before the elections. He admonished us to pray for him as the authority God had put in place as our President (read I Timothy 2:1). In seeking God for the next leader, we have failed in our intercession for our current one. God wants President Bush to finish well as He spoke to us two years ago.
An interesting word was released for the meeting in September '07 that is particularly pertinent for the elections of '08:
God has provided a righteous man who will begin to emerge towards the end of '07 and begin to shine in '08. We will not be left scratching our heads or feeling like we are throwing our vote away on someone who cannot win. God will put His very apparent light of favor upon this man, and we will know how to pray and to vote.
The Lord also prophetically admonished us to press through to see the courts shifted and that--we cannot fail in our prayers to see abortion overturned in the United States. (As of now, 49 million babies have been aborted since 1973.) This is a "make it or break it" time, and we must not be weary in our intercession.
Admonition for Prayer Cover
God gave us a specific word that satan will try to bring premature death to the Body of Christ. Please prayerfully cover yourself, your family, pastors, and those of influence specifically in your life.
A new generation of philanthropists will arise out of the Body of Christ. A focus will be on the poor and needy. There will also be a major emphasis on using wealth to gain influence to be a voice in society for righteousness. This will lead to Christians and Christianity in general to be seen in a new light by those who thought that God and the Church were unfeeling and uncaring.
New Emphasis on the Teaching Gift
The teaching gift will once again arise to the forefront as the Lord brings an emphasis on knowing the foundations of Biblical truths. This will mitigate against the Body of Christ going off course and falling into error.
Holiness Movement
Holiness will come to the Church again. With this will come a great exposure of sin in the pulpit. The Lord warned us that many would come under governmental scrutiny during the last half of '07 and '08, and we need to examine ourselves so we are clean in every area of the ministry, financially as well as spiritually.
New Civil Rights Movement
A new generation of civil rights leaders are going to emerge in the nation who will be a righteous voice. Their anointing will be so strong that they will supersede and be stronger and have more influence than those who are unrighteous that align with unbiblical stances. They will speak against the influence of the unholy side of hip-hop and new prayer movements will also arise in the black community.
Kingdom Government of God
The government of God will become a new wineskin for the future move of God (see Matthew 6:10). Reformation back to the original design of Genesis will be a major focus and God's creative anointing will be on those who move in this direction.
Specific Focus on Nations
There were five international areas that we specifically felt God's spotlight on in the coming hour:
1. China.
2. The "Ring of Fire" (Pacific Rim nations).
3. India.
4. Israel and the Middle East.
5. South America and Venezuela.
We felt there was going to be an extreme battle between light and darkness for a season, with increased persecution of believers. On the other hand, great harvest and advancement for the Kingdom of God will also take place. We all need to pray specifically for these regions of the world.
Submitted by C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, and the members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE)

My Kingdom Identity - Worshipper

One of my Kingdom Identity is a royal priest and a holy nation. I am created to be a worshipper! Our God is looking for worshippers, not worship!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Enjoying fresh air in Canada

Ok, fine. I did miss the cold air in Canada; now I am back, I really miss it. Still covered with snow in Surrey; I stepped on the snow thinking and reminiscing about my old days in Canada. I thank God for everything that happened to me for the past 20 years; I've realized that God shapes our characters in adversities, obstacles and troubles that we face in our daily basis. God never hide the blessing from us, He hides it for us. He hides His blessing; so that we can seek after Him.

Now I am hungry for more of Him!

Kingdom Identity - Soul Winner

My identity is a SOUL WINNER! God, help me to be a wise man because I want to win a generation for You.
I want to start winning more teenagers for God in 2008!
ONLY high schooler and middle schoolers - that's my goal as a SOUL WINNER!

Thank You Lord for reminding me to be a Winsome Christian!

It's time for me to drive that little blue van again! Remember when Impact first started, either Annie or myself would drive that little blue van to pick up new/old friends in different cities, we were spending alot of time driving those young people to our cell group. As time goes by, Impact now has 5 cell groups and still expanding (hopefully); I begin to focus more on the leaders - certainly that's my priority for now. But I don't want to lose that opportunity to serve younger kids -middle schoolers and high schoolers. I totally see the potential in them; if we don't invest in them, we can't raise up another generation of faithful servants!

I want to be a Soul Winner! I want to LOVE and ENJOY being with them!

I am not satisfied until I see Impact full of high/middle school teenagers!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Short story of a day

We can live only in relationships. We need each other. A rather crude and cruel experiment was carried out by Emperor Frederick, who ruled the Roman Empire in the thirteenth century. He wanted to know what man's original language was: Hebrew, Greek, or Latin? He decided to isolate a few infants from the sound of the human voice. He reasoned that they would eventually speak the natural tongue of man. Wet nurses who were sworn to absolute silence were obtained, and though it was difficult for them, they abided by the rule. The infants never heard a word -- not a sound from a human voice. Within several months they were all dead.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bowling night

hey hey...Monday night, a bowling night for Annie and myself. Thanks to Jeff and friends who invited us to their bowling gathering; it's really cool to just hang out with new friends. I think I didn't fully max out my "bowling" potential tonight; I used to get more than 15o points, but tonight I didn't even make it to 100. '''>.<

I saw many young people hanging around bowling alley even on Monday night; that made me wanting to hang out with Jeff's friends more. Meet new friends, pray for them, lead them to Christ, motivate them to love Jesus and be radical for God! I am getting excited now!!! More young people coming to Christ! This must happens!

3 key points of how to increase our spiritual appetite for Kingdom
1. Replace our apathy with His passion
2. Never cease to follow Jesus
3. Tear our clothes, put on sackcloth and run into the temple of God

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kyle - Almost one year old.

My nephew, Kyle. He is such an interesting kid, extremely outgoing, not afraid of strangers. I like that. But Kyle, remember to close your door when you pu, ok?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

sleepless in cold LA

Just chatted with a brother online...he was one of my sheep back in Canada, now he moved back to Taiwan. Thank you, man for telling me that I cared about you back then. You still remember how I used to care about you; that really comforted me of how much you've grown in God. Thank you guys for remembering me and having me as part of your life. Sure you will touch many lives too, Didi.
Tell Peter and Peggy to get married. Tell them that I miss them too. Congrats to Tim who is getting married this Sat. although I don't know the bride; but for sure that Tim is the lucky one to have her. It has been a long time...Again, remember to tell them to keep the faith and pass it on to the next generation without holding it back! Live for Jesus; love wholeheartedly.

Always remember that I miss you guys.

hmm...sounds like an old man talking now. Gerr...

Letter from Chuck Pierce

Here is Chuck Pierce's message.

The Kingdom Of God Is Moving Forward!

"The Kingdom is ruled by grace and love--not by rules, regulations and laws."

Kingdom life in the earth realm was used to help individuals understand the Kingdom of God. There are two terms throughout the Bible that we must embrace and understand: the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven." Anyone who willingly subjects themselves to the sovereign rule of a Holy God is aligned with Kingdom Principles. The "Kingdom of Heaven" represents the rule that God asserts on the earth at any given period in time. This is what links Kingdom understanding to time. John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles all announced that the Kingdom of God was "at hand." As a matter of fact, the Lord said, "the Kingdom of God is within you." If this is so, then when the King moves, we must move with Him.

The manifested rule of God on the earth is ever-maturing. The Kingdom of God represents God's rule in the earth realm. The King is moving us from "just going to church" to understanding His Kingdom in our territory. He is bringing us into a place of dominion, occupation, and ruling with Him in the spheres and places He has assigned us. Jesus taught so much on the Kingdom. The Kingdom is GOOD NEWS! Kingdom life was proclaimed throughout the three years that we have record of Jesus ministering in the earth realm, with His authority.

The Kingdom is NOT based on needs, since "the poor will always be with us." Jesus gave us a responsibility to work with the poor, orphans, and widows, but on the other hand, He also showed us the necessity to lavishly worship Him as Mary did in John 10.

The Kingdom cannot be controlled by civil government. Through the ages, civil government has made the attempt to govern and rule God's government in the earth. However, the Kingdom is not based on worldly patterns. Another important fact that we must all recognize is that we cannot comprehend the Kingdom by our natural mind. The mind is at enmity with God and longs to be conformed to the world around it. However, as we renew our minds, we break out of worldly conformity and move into seeing Kingdom life in the midst of the societal structures that are molding us.

The Kingdom cannot be obtained by ambition. The exciting thing about the Kingdom is that it cannot be POSTPONED! The Kingdom is filled with power. Over these last two decades, we have seen Kingdom government for the next season of God in the earth realm.

A Kingdom people understand Kingdom grace. The Kingdom is ruled by grace and love--not by rules, regulations and laws. God has appointed Kingdom administrators for every age. We find those gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11-14.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

be a Shammah

"Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel's troops fled from them.
But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the LORD brought about a great victory." (2 Samuel 23:11-12)

Only two verses, Bible illustrates one of the greatest warriors of David. I don't know much about this guy, Shammah, I prayed to God before I even shared this message. I knew that He has something to say about this man that relates to Impact at this moment. I prayed that I could communicate it thoroughly. I pray that our eyes can be enlightened in Christ Jesus and be open to the Spirit. oh Lord, how would this generation understand Your word if I can't fully describe it. Shammah stands in the middle of the field, where the enemy attacks, destroys, kills and steals. The field of our hearts is supposedly full of God's presence, love, His riches, His joy, peace, hope and faith; but the same field is where the enemy wants to destroy. God, bless this generation and their field. Who sees this? Who stands in the middle of the field? Who doesn't give up? Mature our hearts. We don't want to grow older without becoming more mature in spirit.
Lord, when can Impact see this? In Jesus' name, stop all the insecurity, low self esteem problem, teenagers' love & hate drama! Wake up! In Jesus' name! I also say, I pray that "you may know the hope to which He has called you". Ahhh....! Be a Shammah!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Prince of Peace

This is a 13 years old girl who is invited as a major conference speaker at Bethel Church. Her work is simply amazing and inspiring. I hope all artists should be inspired by God who is the Creator of Heaven and Earth; Only He can give us the divine inspiration. Awesome!