Friday, May 21, 2010

Time for WordPress

For those who have been following my blog, I have decided to use WordPress instead. Simply there are just too many spams and weird comments in my blog.

For those who like to leave weird comments on my blogs, God loves you and bless your business or advertisements.

For those who want to keep following my blog, please go to

You will need to submit a request in order to read my blog. Sorry it's private. If you are my friend, you are mostly welcome to share life with me. I'd like to keep my life transparent; therefore it's by invitation only.

God bless you all for reading and supporting my blog at the Invaders of blogspot. You guys rock!

Farewell, blogspot. You served me just ok...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year - 2010

Lat night, I spent my new year count down without lots of people, which I think it was quite unique and peaceful. For a long time, I was with new and old friends during the new year count down... To me last night was like any other days; when the clock hits 12 am, you know that it's already the next morning.

Last night, I was with Annie; both of us were sitting on the couch watching some silly TV program on the internet. Laughed, talked and cuddled with each other... fun time. Annie put on my gift to her, Snuggie, the blanket; that totally keeps her warm.
No big celebration, no prayer gathering, no party, just family, just loving my wife and be loved. I am not saying the big celebration, party and prayer gather are meaningless; I am only saying that I have been learning about prioritizing the family value. What' s more important in my life? And what I want to pass on to my children and family? Love and family values.

New Year 2010 - Love and Family Values. When we stand strong as a family, no enemy can penetrate us.

GOD ~ grand me strength and wisdom to love, serve and nurture my family and Impact family in 2010.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am a missionary

I am a missionary to USA from Canada.


I came back home, Canada, this Christmas... and I feel like crying.

I am home now. But I have to go back to my mission field.

I've adopted the American cultures; I bury myself in the American soil, and I will bear much more fruits one day. I believe it. I live for it.

I am a missionary to USA.

Monday, December 28, 2009

panic attack

This is suppose to be my vacation, right?
I guess I am way too relax and got too loosen up; so that I even got a panic attack from this stupid enemy, fear. Grrr... I need to be alert when I am on a "cruise control" mode.

I am used to a "busy" schedule and always in the ministry mode in LA. Beginning of this year, I decided to come back to Canada for my vacation this Christmas; first of all I want to spend time with family and relax, secondly I need to stay away from "busyness" and be quiet before God. Also I give myself an assignment, that is to finish Impact leader's handbook.

I am still not spending enough time with my family and with God. I still have not started working on the leader's handbook.... OMG... that's why I had a panic attack.

No fear! No pressure! Keep fighting the good fights! Never give up!

Leave me, spirit of fear! In Jesus' name!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 2009

I asked for 3 material things from God this year. One by one I received them in order.

1. A blue bicycle.
2. A MacBook Pro
3. A iPhone

Got them all before the end of 2009.

This is how the story goes....

"Seek God's Kingdom first and His righteousness, and ALL shall be added onto you!" - Jesus.

What more should I say?

Monday, November 23, 2009

this is church life...?

Why would people leave their church after investing such a long in their "spiritual" homes?

It saddens me when I hear that believers are leaving their "home church"... I can understand that there are no perfect leaders and no perfect churches. To me personally, a church is like family. You can have a big family, like the Italian Mafias... they would "disagree" with outsiders but they love their "brothers".

Follow the vision that God gives to the leader, unless the leader is not following the vision anymore. Love never fails.